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Passé Composé with “être” There are 16 common verbs that had a “falling out” with “avoir.” They chose “être” as their helping verb.

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2 Passé Composé with “être” There are 16 common verbs that had a “falling out” with “avoir.” They chose “être” as their helping verb.

3 Conjugating with “être” means: Instead of: j’ainous avons tu asvous avez il ails ont You use: je suis nous sommes tu es vous êtes il est ils sont

4 DR. & MRS. VANDERTRAMP ßAller = to go ßArriver = to arrive ßDescendre = to go down ßDevenir = to become ßEntrer = to enter, go or come in

5 DR. & MRS. VANDERTRAMP ßMonter = to go up ßMourir = to die ßNaître = to be born ßPartir = to depart, leave ßRentrer = to come back (home)

6 DR. & MRS. VANDERTRAMP ßRester = to stay, remain ßRetourner = to go back ßRevenir = to come back ßSortir = to go out ßTomber = to fall ßVenir = to come

7 Example: tomber ßJe suis tombé ßTu es tombé ßIl est tombé ßElle est tombé ßNous sommes tombé ßVous êtes tombé ßIls sont tombé ßElles sont tombé EXCEPT...

8 Something called “agreement”must be added to the past participle! (e)(e) s (e)(e) (s) (es) --s ees

9 Example: tomber ßJßJe suis tombé(e) ßTßTu es tombé(e) ßIßIl est tombé ßEßElle est tombée ßNßNous sommes tombé(e)s ßVßVous êtes tombé(e)(s)(es) ßIßIls sont tombés ßEßElles sont tombées

10 Past participles are formed in the normal manner, except for 5 exceptions: Venir = venu; Revenir = revenu; Devenir = devenu Mourir = mort Naître = né

11 Conjugating with “être” is easy. ßRemember to use “être”as helping verb ßAdd agreement!

12 FIN

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