AIMER + INFINITIVE Discussion In the sentence “Mathilde likes to sleep,” which verb is conjugated? Which verb is still an infinitive? Why? When you combine.

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Présentation au sujet: "AIMER + INFINITIVE Discussion In the sentence “Mathilde likes to sleep,” which verb is conjugated? Which verb is still an infinitive? Why? When you combine."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 AIMER + INFINITIVE Discussion In the sentence “Mathilde likes to sleep,” which verb is conjugated? Which verb is still an infinitive? Why? When you combine two verbs to say that someone likes, loves, prefers, hates, or wants to do something… conjugate the first verb leave the second verb in the infinitive form Examples: Mathilde aime dormir. Nous aimons jouer au basket, mais nous préférons jouer au foot. Camille n’ aime pas étudier.

2 NÉGATIF Always put the negative around the conjugated verb. Je n’aime pas faire le ménage. Luc n’aime pas danser.

3 J’



6 TU

7 Mes amis et moi


9 Vous

10 Julie

11 Claire et Gilbert

12 Gaston


14 Tu

15 J’ zzzzzzzz

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