© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or.

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Présentation au sujet: "© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or training purposes. They can be reproduced for free provided that this material is acknowledged as Crown copyright, reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Adaptation of these materials for other languages is permissible, providing the original source is acknowledged. Year 9 French holidays speaking task LinkedUp project: Talking to learn 2

2 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. en France en Espagne aux États-Unis L’année dernière j’ai passé les vacances J’ai visité la Tour Eiffel le musée Dalí Disneyland J’ai logé et dans un hôtel dans un camping dans un appartement et c’était J’ai aimé mais je n’ai pas aimé la cuisine le temps le voyage L’année prochaine je vais aller… en Écosse en Australie en Allemagne affreux passionnant amusant J’ai fait du vélo J’ai fait de l’équitation J’ai nagé dans la mer les plages les boîtes les gens faire du ski faire de l’escalade visiter les monuments pour

3 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. A Pendant les vacances....…. B Chez moi............................................ C Avec mes copains............................ D Avec ma famille............................... E J‘ai aimé............................................... F Je n‘ai pas aimé…................................. G Normalement pendant les vacances je............ Il faut répondre en utilisant 7 mots Il faut répondre en utilisant 10 mots Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances?

4 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. A screenshot of a text has been removed for copyright reasons. The text was taken from Equipe 3 page 54

5 © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Tu as fait un échange? Tu es parti(e) quand? Tu as voyagé comment? Tu as aimé la famille? Tu as bien mangé? Qu’est-ce que tu as préféré? Tu as beaucoup parlé français?

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