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Publié parJosiane Boivin Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
Bienvenue (Welcome)! Please find your assigned seat, take out a sheet of paper, and respond to the following questions: 1.What is your name? 2.How old are you? What grade are you in? 3.How many people are in your immediate family? Who are they? 4.Do you have any pets? What kind and what are their names? 5.What is your favorite subject? Least favorite? 6.What classes do you have this year? 7.What are your favorite sports, hobbies, or activities? 8.What is your favorite color? Name an object in this room that is that color. 9.What chores do you have to do at your house usually? 10.What are you wearing today? Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 24/25 août (#1) Find your seat!
How many people are in my immediate family? Who are they? Do I have any pets? What kind and what are their names? What is my favorite subject? Least favorite? Les sciences Nous sommes trois, mon mari, ma fille et moi! un chat, Dingo Le français
Le ski nautique Le ski La natation La plongée sous marine What are my favorite sports, hobbies, and activities?
What is my favorite color? Name an object in this room that is that color. What chores do I have to do at my house usually? Un livre vert Passer l’aspirateur Faire la vaisselle
Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 26/27 août (#2) Est-ce que tu connais des mots en français? 1. Write down any French words/phrases that you may already know. Thinking about food items may help. Don’t worry about spelling. (try for at least 5) 2. Write down at least 5 English words/phrases for which you would like to know the French translation. Please remember to put your name tent on your desk.
Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 28 août/31 (#3) Solve the following math problems. Write out your answer in French. 1.Deux + trois = 2.Quatre – un = 3.Vingt x zéro = 4.Zéro + un = 5.Trois + un = 6.Quatre + deux =
Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 1/2 septembre (#4) 1.Comment t’appelles-tu? 2.J’ai quinze ans. 3.Il a quel âge? 4.Je m’appelle Céline. 5.Il s’appelle comment? 6.Quel âge as-tu? a.What’s his name? b.My name is Céline. c.What’s your name? d.How old are you? e.How old is he? f.How old is she? g.I am 15. Match:
Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 3/4 septembre (#5) Arrange the following phrases into a logical order: a.Je m’appelle Étienne. b.Bonjour! c.Ça va? d.Comment t’appelles-tu? e.Bof! Comme ci comme ça. f.Au revoir. g.J’ai quinze ans. h.Quel âge as-tu?
Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 8/9 septembre (#6) Match the subject pronoun with the subject. 1.Lucie et Fred 2.Lucie et Suzette 3.Fred et moi 4.Fred 5.Lucie 6.Fred et toi 7.Moi 8.Toi a.Je b.Tu c.Il d.Elle e.Chien f.Nous g.Vous h.Ils i.Elles Replacing subjects with the appropriate subject pronouns: Moi = Je Toi = Tu Pierre = Il Lucile = Elle Lucile et moi = Nous Pierre et toi = Vous Pierre et Lucile = Ils Pierre et Marc = Ils Lucile et Elise = Elles
Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 10/11 septembre (#7) Qu’est-ce que c’est? (What is it?) Don’t forget the article (le, la, les, or l’)!
Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 14/15 septembre (#8) Complete the conjugation for the verb in parentheses. 1.Monique _______________ (aimer) le chocolat. 2.Nous ___________________ (regarder) la télé. 3.Il _____________________ (écouter). 4.Elles ____________________ (danser). 5.Vous _____________________ (adorer) le français. 6.Fred et moi __________________ (détester) les hamburgers.
Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 16/17 septembre (#9) Make each of the following sentences negative. 1.Elle adore les escargots. 2.Tu manges le chocolat? 3.Vous regardez la télé. 4.Frank et Marie jouent au football. 5.Nous parlons français.
Le travail de cloche, niveau I, le 18/21 septembre (#10) After correcting today’s bellwork, all 10 will be turned in. Staple if necessary. Fill in the blank with the correct definite article (le, la, les, l’). 1.________________ frites 2.________________ crayon 3.________________ chocolat 4.________________ français 5.________________ école 6.________________ anglais 7.________________ escargots 8.________________ glace Please pick up the text book that matches your desk number if it’s not already there. (light blue books)
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