Nous parlons des matières Buts: To be able to give extended opinions on school subjects To express agreement or disagreement.

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2 Nous parlons des matières Buts: To be able to give extended opinions on school subjects To express agreement or disagreement

3 Faites des phrases! J’adorel’anglaiscarfantastique J’aime beaucouple dessinparce quele prof est affreux J’aime assezla technologieetla prof est excellente Je n’aime pasle françaismaistrès intéressant(e) Je préfèreles mathsaussipénible Ma matière préférée, c’estles sciencesc’estje pense que Comment écris-t-on…? 1.I prefer maths and English. 2.I don’t like French, but the teacher is excellent. 3.I love technology because it’s fantastic. 4.My favourite subject is science, but the teacher is awful. 5.My favourite subject is technology, but I also like art because I think that it is fantastic. 6.I quite like maths because it is very interesting and also I love English but I don’t like science because it’s annoying. S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself How many sentences can you make from the building blocks above? What is the longest, most accurate sentence you can make?

4 Buts All: To say why you like or dislike a school subject (Level 3b) Most: To be able to understand someone else’s opinion and say if you agree or disagree (Level 3a) Some: To be able to maintain a meaningful conversation about school subjects for at least 3 minutes, using connectives, opinions and agreement/disagreement phrases (Level 4c)

5 S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself Make a list of the quantifying words that are used in the answers above. Find the French for: You’re mad! My teacher is too strict It’s too difficult for me!

6 Opinions positives ou négatives? MatièreOpinion (P/N) 1. Les mathsN – C’est nul

7 Opinions positives ou négatives? MatièreOpinion (P/N) 1. Les mathsN – C’est nul 2. L’informatiqueP – J’adore/C’est intéressant 3. Le théâtreP – J’aime/C’est marrant 4. La géographieN – T’es fou/C’est ennuyeux 5. Les arts plastiquesP – C’est facile/Le prof est sympa 6. L’histoireN – Je déteste/On a beaucoup de devoirs/ Beurk! 7. Les sciencesN – Difficile/ La prof est trop sévère/ T’es fou! 8. L’anglaisP – Génial/C’est ma matière préférée

8 S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself Think about how you can make your sentences more interesting using: different connectives quantifying words other opinion phrases How long can you sustain a meaningful conversation? Vocabulaire aussi = also cependant = however pourtant = however trop = too assez = quite très = very un peu = a bit Je crois que = I believe that À mon avis = In my opinion Il me semble que = It seems to me that

9 Buts All: To say why you like or dislike a school subject (Level 3b) Most: To be able to understand someone else’s opinion and say if you agree or disagree (Level 3a) Some: To be able to maintain a meaningful conversation about school subjects for at least 3 minutes, using connectives, opinions and agreement/disagreement phrases (Level 4c)

10 Exit Card: 3 quantifying words you have used today Exit Card: 1 sentence including a connective Exit Card: 1 exchange with a partner about school subjects (must include an agreement phrase) Exit Card: 1 new item of vocabulary Exit Card: 2 contrasting opinions joined by a connective Exit Card: 2 opinion phrases Exit Card: Ma matière préféree… (Complete the sentence) Exit Card: 30 second talk on school subjects Exit Card: 1 minute talk on school subjects Exit Card: Explain what you have learnt this lesson Exit Card: Explain what level you have been working at and how you know Exit Card: What might you do next time to improve your work? Exit Card: What skills have you used this lesson? Exit Card: What skills have you improved this lesson? How do you know? Exit Card: 2 similar opinions joined by a connective

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