Opinions sur les professeurs

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1 Opinions sur les professeurs

2 Starter Écris en français:
I love maths because it is interesting and the teacher is nice. J’adore les maths parce que/car c’est intéressant et le prof est sympa. However, I hate history because it is boring and the teacher is too strict. Par contre/cependant, je déteste l’histoire car c’est ennuyeux/barbant et le prof est trop sévère/strict.

3 Les objectifs ALL will be able to understand basic opinions about teachers MOST should be able to say what they think of their teacher(s) and why SOME might be able to write a full paragraph to give opinions about their teachers (level 4)

4 Cherchez dans le dictionnaire
he/she is young old beautiful nice pleasant/nice unpleasant smiling/cheerful il/elle est = jeune = vieux/vieille = beau/belle = gentil/gentille = agréable = désagréable = souriant/souriante =

5 bon ou mauvais profs? c‘est un bon professeur he/she is a good teacher
il fait toujours rire ses élèves il donne beaucoup de devoirs difficiles on ne comprend rien avec elle, les cours sont intéressants ses cours sont toujours amusants c‘est un mauvais professeur je le/la déteste elle n’enseigne pas bien il n’explique rien elle ne parle pas bien l’espagnol he/she is a good teacher he always makes his students laugh he gives a lot of difficult homework we do not understand anything • with her, lessons are interesting • his/her lessons are always fun he/she is a bad teacher I hate him/her she doesn’t teach well he does not explain anything • she doesn’t speak Spanish well

6 Les professeurs French teacher = professeur de français
English teacher = professeur d’anglais Maths teacher = Geography teacher = PE teacher = RE teacher = professeur de maths professeur de géographie professeur d’EPS / de sport professeur d’éducation religieuse BE CAREFUL: he/she is a maths teacher = c’est un professeur de maths he/she is a history teacher = c’est un professeur d’histoire

7 my = mon (male) / ma (female)
Écris en français I love my geography teacher because she is a good teacher and her lessons are always fun and interesting. Moreover, she is very pleasant and cheerful. J’adore ma prof de géographie parce que c’est un bon professeur et ses cours sont toujours amusants et intéressants. De plus, elle est très agréable et souriante. my = mon (male) / ma (female) moreover = de plus

8 à toi ! Choose at least 4 of your teachers and write a small paragraph for each of them (at least 4 items of information for each teacher/subject) Remember to LINK your sentence together + give opinions + reasons (because…)

9 The teacher is great and his lessons are always interesting.
She is a good teacher and she always makes her students laugh. Ma matière préférée c’est le dessin. C’est très intéressant et le professeur est excellent! With him, lessons are always fun and he is really nice and good looking! C’est un prof super, avec elle les cours sont toujours intéressants et en plus j’adore l’EPS. I hate my English teacher. He doesn’t teach well and he gives too much homework. Mon prof d’histoire est vieux mais il est très sympa et j’adore ses cours, ils sont supers! My drama teacher is a bad teacher, I hate him and he gives a lot of homework. Moreover I hate drama. She is old and unpleasant and she doesn’t teach well. We don’t understand anything.

10 Les objectifs ALL will be able to understand basic opinions about teachers MOST should be able to say what they think of their teacher(s) and why SOME might be able to write a full paragraph to give opinions about their teachers (level 4)

11 Les devoirs Complete the « revision sheet – school » Due in…

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