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Publié parIrène Doucet Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
Atlas Pixel Services Quarter Panel Reproduction Erik Richards November 11th 2010
Opto-box locations There are two optobox locations on side A and side C (total 4 locations), they are after the feed threw 10 and 11 (side C shown) 11/11/2010 2 Erik Richards
Available space 11/11/2010 3 Erik Richards 350 550 mm 80 mm 500 mm
Possible layout of opto-boards 11/11/2010 4 Erik Richards This board is for one octant, four would be stacked up in each location. The drawback is access to change optoboards on lower stacks. Optical connector Opto-board To PP2 To PP0 e-board
Opto-Boards in available space 11/11/2010 5 Erik Richards
Opto-box envelope This envelope includes fixation, box (?), cooling, etc. 11/11/2010 6 Erik Richards 500 mm 170 mm 80 mm
Available space in feed threw 11 11/11/2010 7 Erik Richards 20mm 350m m Espace disponible Secteur 11 C F.T. 11 Secteur 11 A F.T. 11 48mm 118m m 190mm 18mm Estimation de l’espace disponible dans l’état actuelle : FT 11C = 20 x 350 = 70 cm² FT 11A = (18 x 190) + (48x118)= 112 cm² Les photos nous montrent qu’il y a la même quantité de câble qui passe dans les 2 feedthrought. Si dans le F.T. 11C les câbles violets sont réarrangés, alors nous aurons le même espace disponible dans les 2 F.T. Document from T. Yildizkaya, N. Massol
Services going threw FT11 IBL 14 cables diameter 18 (module LV power supply) nSQP: 8 bundles diameter 11 (OSP for 2 SQP) 8 bundles diameter 7 (ISP for 2 SQP) 11/11/2010 8 Erik Richards
Services going threw FT10 IBL: 14 cables diameter 6.3 (module HV supply (VDET)) 42 cables diameter 4 (DCS) 4 cables diameter 6.8 (opto-board LV power supply (VVDC)) 6 cables diameter 9.5 (optical read out cable) nSQP: 8 bundles diameter 11 (OSP for 2 SQP) 8 bundles diameter 7 (ISP for 2 SQP) 11/11/2010 9 Erik Richards 42 optical cables removed from FT10 give the envelope of available space
IBL CABLES passage near feed threws In FT sector 10 the services will take the path of existing pixel optical cables In FT sector 11 a new path under the nSQP opto-boxes is feasible but will need to be checked in the next shutdown 11/11/2010 10 Erik Richards
Pictures 11/11/2010 11 Erik Richards FT10 A FT11 C FT10 C FT11 A
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