Atlas Pixel Services Quarter Panel Reproduction Erik Richards November 11th 2010.

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1 Atlas Pixel Services Quarter Panel Reproduction Erik Richards November 11th 2010

2 Opto-box locations  There are two optobox locations on side A and side C (total 4 locations), they are after the feed threw 10 and 11 (side C shown) 11/11/2010 2 Erik Richards

3 Available space 11/11/2010 3 Erik Richards 350 550 mm 80 mm 500 mm

4 Possible layout of opto-boards 11/11/2010 4 Erik Richards  This board is for one octant, four would be stacked up in each location.  The drawback is access to change optoboards on lower stacks. Optical connector Opto-board To PP2 To PP0 e-board

5 Opto-Boards in available space 11/11/2010 5 Erik Richards

6 Opto-box envelope  This envelope includes fixation, box (?), cooling, etc. 11/11/2010 6 Erik Richards 500 mm 170 mm 80 mm

7 Available space in feed threw 11 11/11/2010 7 Erik Richards 20mm 350m m Espace disponible Secteur 11 C F.T. 11 Secteur 11 A F.T. 11 48mm 118m m 190mm 18mm  Estimation de l’espace disponible dans l’état actuelle :  FT 11C = 20 x 350 = 70 cm²  FT 11A = (18 x 190) + (48x118)= 112 cm² Les photos nous montrent qu’il y a la même quantité de câble qui passe dans les 2 feedthrought. Si dans le F.T. 11C les câbles violets sont réarrangés, alors nous aurons le même espace disponible dans les 2 F.T.  Document from T. Yildizkaya, N. Massol

8 Services going threw FT11  IBL 14 cables diameter 18 (module LV power supply)  nSQP:  8 bundles diameter 11 (OSP for 2 SQP)  8 bundles diameter 7 (ISP for 2 SQP) 11/11/2010 8 Erik Richards

9 Services going threw FT10  IBL:  14 cables diameter 6.3 (module HV supply (VDET))  42 cables diameter 4 (DCS)  4 cables diameter 6.8 (opto-board LV power supply (VVDC))  6 cables diameter 9.5 (optical read out cable)  nSQP:  8 bundles diameter 11 (OSP for 2 SQP)  8 bundles diameter 7 (ISP for 2 SQP) 11/11/2010 9 Erik Richards 42 optical cables removed from FT10 give the envelope of available space

10 IBL CABLES passage near feed threws  In FT sector 10 the services will take the path of existing pixel optical cables  In FT sector 11 a new path under the nSQP opto-boxes is feasible but will need to be checked in the next shutdown 11/11/2010 10 Erik Richards

11 Pictures 11/11/2010 11 Erik Richards FT10 A FT11 C FT10 C FT11 A

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