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Publié parDelphine Simon Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
Activité de départ le 25 sept
L’ ordre du jour vendredi le 25 septembre
Règles du cours (Réussir)
Complétez les analogies Un demi-frère à une demi-sœur est comme un frère à une sœur. …à… …comme… …à…
Tape the picture on the person sitting in front/in back of you without them seeing the person. Your job is to look at the person and describe to them how they look and they are going to have to draw a portrait of this person based on how you describe this person. Also try to use age, and personality descriptions, if able, to best fit this person’s look. All description must be in FRENCH!! They then will look at this person and decide if their drawn picture matches the original picture. How close did you get to matching your person? Extension activity: Now write at least 6 sentences about a day in this life of this person. Likes dislikes etc…
Visage: rond, allonge, ovale Les Yeux: grands, beaux, bleus, bruns, noirs, vert Les cheveux: raids, ondules, frise, courts, mi- longs, longs, chauve (pas de cheveux) Le nez: long, court, gros, fin
Le verbe VENIR
Le verbe aller
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