Landscape with Shapes and Colors My Name. Directions On the following slide you will see a landscape created with only the basic shapes and colors in.

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1 Landscape with Shapes and Colors My Name

2 Directions On the following slide you will see a landscape created with only the basic shapes and colors in PowerPoint. You will create your own landscape and then write a sentence in French or Spanish about the shapes and colors you used.

3 Example

4 Description My picture is a landscape. It uses a blue rectangle and a green rectangle. It also uses white circles, green circles, red circles, and a brown rectangle.

5 Exemple français Voici un paysage. J’ai utilisé des cercles rouges, verts et jaunes. J’ai utilisé un rectangle vert et un bleu. Pour l’arbre, j’ai utilisé deux rectangles marron.

6 The End

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