U NITE 7A: E CHAUFFEMENT 1 L E PREMIER OCTOBRE Le mot juste Fill in each blank with an appropriate vocabulary word. 1. M. Tremaine doit ( must ) avoir.

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Présentation au sujet: "U NITE 7A: E CHAUFFEMENT 1 L E PREMIER OCTOBRE Le mot juste Fill in each blank with an appropriate vocabulary word. 1. M. Tremaine doit ( must ) avoir."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 U NITE 7A: E CHAUFFEMENT 1 L E PREMIER OCTOBRE Le mot juste Fill in each blank with an appropriate vocabulary word. 1. M. Tremaine doit ( must ) avoir un passeport pour aller à l’ _____________________. 2. Nous allons passer l’été à la ferme ( farm ) de mes grands-parents à la _____________________. 3. Je pars jeudi et je retourne samedi, alors achète-moi un billet ___________________________>

2 E CHAUFFEMENT 2: LE CINQ OCTOBRE – QUIZ TOMORROW VOCABULARY AND VERB PARTIR 1. Il faut (you must) aller à la _________________ où il faut montrer son passeport. 2. Je ne vais pas au bureau aujourd’hui. J’ai un jour de _______________________! 3. Les plages de Rio de Janeiro au __________________ sont très belles.

3 E CHAUFFEMENT 3: LE 13/10/2015 PASSE COMPOSE IS USED TO TALK ABOUT EVENTS THAT TOOK PLACE IN THE PAST. 1. What is the first thing you must know before you can make a sentence in the passé composé (hint: Nous avons bien mangé) vs. Nous sommes arrivés hier soir. ___________________________________________________ 2. How do you know which auxiliary verb to use? __________________________________________________ 3. If using etre as the auxiliary, what else must you do that you don’t have to do when avoir is the auxiliary verb? ___________________________________________________

4 E CHAUFFEMENT 4: LE 20/10/2015 REPLACE THE DIRECT OBJECT WITH A DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN (use your notes from yesterday) Example: le café- Je ____l’______ adore! 1. La plage- Je _________ déteste! 2. Les voyages- Tu ___________ adore! 3. Le billet- Il faut _________ composter! 4. Les tickets- Nous _____________ achetons!


6 E XEMPLES : TROUVEZ LE PARTICIPE PASSE DES VERBES SUIVANTS 1. Je (masc.) retourner Je __________ _______________ 2. Nous (masc.) arriver _____________ ______________ 3. Vous (fem.) partir _____________ ________________ 4. Elles descendre ______________ __________________

7 C REATING SENTENCES WITH PASSE COMPOSE Materials : a yellow “’board game”, a piece of notebook paper, a game piece and 2 die. Objective of the activity: to write a grammatically correct and creative sentence that corresponds to the two dice: the first die determines the verb to be used, the second die determines the subject pronoun for the sentence. To play- one person at a time will roll the two dice, move the game piece the corresponding number of spaces, and use the subject pronoun diagram on yellow game board to announce subject to the group. Play in a clock-wise direction. The whole group will create a sentence around the verb and the subject pronoun- the person who rolled the dice, must write it down. Put all group member names on the paper, label each sentence with name of student writing the sentence.

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