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Publié parJean Armand Beauregard Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz1 Du TeVatron au LHC: perspectivesphysiques du Run II
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz2 Fermilab Main Injector & Recycler Tevatron Chicago p source Booster pp p p pp 1.96 TeV CDF DØ Run 1 1.8 TeV ~0.1 fb -1 Run 2 1.96 TeV -> 8fb -1
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz3 Status du Tevatron le Tevatron marche bien et... de mieux en mieux 2002 2003 2004 2005 1.5 10 32 cm -2 s -1 350 10 10 pbar disponibles Luminosite instantannee pic
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz4 Status du Tevatron Luminosite record: 1.8 10 32 cm -2 s -1 Luminosite integree: record: 27 pb -1 /semaine/expt delivree: 1.5 fb -1 /expt sur bande: 1.3 fb -1 /expt 2002 2003 2004 2005 Lum. Integ. deliveree / Expt 1 fb -1
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz5 Evolution de la luminosite 9/30/03 9/30/04 9/30/05 9/30/06 9/30/07 9/30/08 9/30/09 30 mA/hr 25 mA/hr 20 mA/hr 15 mA/hr Integrated Luminosity (fb -1 ) 98765432109876543210 FY05: on double FY07: on double FY09: on double peak pbar stacking rate Run IIbRun IIa FY06: on double
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz6 Status des experiences Excellents detecteurs generalistes: tracking, b-tagging, calorimetre, muon, … CDF: resolution en impulsion et particule ID (K, ) DØ: couverture muon et resolution en energie
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz7 Status des experiences Detector/trigger/DAQ downtime ~ 5% Beam Conditions, Start/End stores ~ 5% Trigger deadtime ~ 5% : choix Detector/trigger/DAQ downtime ~ 5% Transitions de stores et runs ~ 2-3% FEB ~ 3-5%
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz8 A l’attaque du Modele Standard with 1 fb -1 1.4 x 10 14 1 x 10 11 6 x 10 6 6 x 10 5 14,000 5,000 1000 ~ 100 100 ~ 10 H (barn) QCD jet cross section HQ production proton structure diffraction Underlying event Electrofaible W mass and width Trilinear gauge couplings top production top mass top decay,charge,spin Higgs boson Nouvelle Physique SUSY gauge sector: Z’, W’ extra dimensions compositeness: b’, t’, leptoquarks substructure Non SM Higgs bosons Physique de la beaute B s mixing: m s / m d Rare decays: B s , etc. B s lifetime: / CP violation masses and lifetimes
Physique de la beaute
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz10 B s -> CDF Run 2: 780 pb -1 : BR(B s → μμ) < 1.0x10 -7 @95% CL 364 pb -1 : BR(B s → μμ) < 2.0x10 -7 @95% CL D0 Run 2: 300 pb -1 : BR(B s → μμ) < 3.7x10 -7 @95% CL CDF+D0 comb: BR(B s → μμ) < 1.5x10 -7 @95% CL MS predit BR(Bs → μμ) ~ 3.5x10 -9
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz11 B s -> dans MSSM: BR pourrait etre 10 a 1000 fois plus grand M 0 [GeV] m h ~115GeV -> 10 -8 <Br(Bs )<3×10 -7
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz12 B s -> Br(B s )<1.0×10 -7 @ 95%CL
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz13 B s mixing m s = 16.8 ps -1 x m s = 24.8 ps -1 x CKM Fit Result: m s = 18.3 +6.5 -1.5 ps -1 from m d Lower limit on m s from m d / m s
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz14 B s mixing ~1100 B s completement reconstruits CDF Preliminary (350 pb -1 ) B s D s , avec D s (K + K - ) m d ~ 0.5 ps -1
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz15 B s mixing m s > 14.8 ps -1 @ 95% CL 1 fb -1 17 < m s < 21 ps -1 @ 90% CL valeur preferee: 19 ps -1 2 fb -1 : m s <15 ps -1 8 fb -1 : m s <22 ps -1 s / s
Le top fort
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz17 le quark top PRODUCTION essentiellement en paires par interaction forte DESINTEGRATION ~85% ~15%
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz18 top: production forte ajouter lepton+trace: - MET cut moins severe - b-tag pour reduire fond e et l+trace incertitude totale comparable avec 2 fois moins de donnees
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz19 top: production l+jets NN pour separer top du bruit
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz20 top: production forte 8.2 ± 0.6 (stat.) ± 1.0 (sys.) HT > 200 GeV 2 tags 1 tag 8.8 +1.2 -1.1 (stat.) +2.0 -1.3 (sys.) 1 b-tag 2 b-tags
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz21 top: production forte -> 370 pb -1 CDF -> 750 pb -1
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz22 top: production forte evolution de l’incertitude/experience
le top electrofaible
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz24 top: production electrofaible
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz25 top: production electrofaible
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz26 top: production electrofaible s+t channel < 3.4 pb @ 95% CL t-channel < 3.1 pb @ 95% CL s-channel < 3.2 pb @ 95% CL 695 pb -1
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz27 Heavy W’ boson
Quelques proprietes du top
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz29 Quelques proprietes du top DØ Prelim. 365 pb -1 Top Charge Top Lifetime best likelihood fit c top = 0 Exclude Q = +4/3 at 94% CL Reconstructed Top Charge (e) Impact Parameter ( m) CDF Prelim. 318 pb -1 SM hep-ex/0503002 (c top ) SM = 3x10 -10 m lepton + 3jets lepton + 3jets c top < 52.5 m at 95%CL |V tb | 0.78 @ 95% CL
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz30 t t resonance - (e ou ) + 3jets - 1 jet b-tagged - MET
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz31 top: helicite du W D0 RunII 370pb-1 F + < 0.24 @ 95%CL F + = 0.08 0.08 0.05
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz32 masse du top Template Analysis (lepton+jets) 173.4 ± 1.7(stat) ± 2.2(JES+syst) GeV CDF
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz33 masse du top
masse du W
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz35 masse du W: LEP
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz36 masse du W au TeVatron CDF Run II prel. L=200 pb - 1 D0 Run I: L=82 pb -1 W e WW natur e Statistics455060Stat. Lepton scale+res. 703059Stat. Recoil50 37Stat. background20 9Stat. Production+ Decay 30 23 Theo. total1058584 Comb. e+ 76 MeV84 MeV Most uncertainties scale with statistics: √L Production and Decay model being improved -> 20-30 MeV Single experiment uncertainties: L=2 fb-1: m W =25-35 MeV (with LEP2: m W =21-27 MeV) L=8 fb-1: m W =20-30 MeV (with LEP2: m W =18-24 MeV)
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz37 Implications pour le Higgs A 20-30% measurement of the Higgs mass
Le Higgs Standard
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz39 Higgs: production et desintegration Deux strategies: MH < 135 GeV, regarder la production associee avec le Higgs allant en 2 b-jets MH > 135 GeV, exploiter la fusion de gluon et reconstruire 2 bosons vecteurs
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz40 Canaux explores pour Higgs SM e/ b jet b jet WH -> l bb, l=e, ZH -> bb H -> WW* -> l l WH -> WWW* -> l l qq
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz41 Higgs combined limits
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz42 Higgs search improvements 6x more lumi (2 fb -1 ): 2.4 We need both CDF and D0: 1.4 Multivariate analysis: 1.7 NN b-tagging: 1.35 Di-jet mass resolution: 1.2 Additional search channels: 1.15 We can bridge the gap between current limits and SM predictions by optimizing the analyses, improving the algorithms, adding/combining channels and experiments, using more data (~2fb -1 ) Exciting prospects for the near future: – Sensitivity to m H > 114 GeV starts at ~2 fb -1 – Exclusion up to 180 GeV possible with 8 fb -1
Nouvelle Physique
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz44 SUSY: trileptons + MET W* Z* Expected signature from chargino-neutralino production Clean signature very attractive for the Tevatron
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz45 SUSY: squarks&gluinos jets + MET CPPM || V ZH-> bb
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz46 SUSY: squarks&gluinos 4 b-jets + MET _ c-jets + MET
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz47 SUSY: stops e ± µ + + MET _ CPPM
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz48 SUSY: Higgs
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz49 SUSY: 2 + MET In Gauge Mediated SUSY breaking models, LSP is gravitino. Typical signature from decay: => 2 energetic + MET Observed NLO ~ NLSP LSP
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz50 Autres recherches ModelsFinal States Lepton-quark substructure compositeness excited fermions Leptoquarks ee, γγ, μμ μμγ, eej eejj, μμjj, eνjj, μνjj,ννjj,ννbb EWSB without Higgsestechnicolor lνbb, lνbc New Heavy gauge bosons Z’ W’ ee, μμ, ττ eν, bblν Hierarchy problem (M Planck >> M EW ) Extra Dimensions: Large Extra Dimensions (ADD LED) Randall-Sundrum gravitons (RS gravitons) ee, γγ, μμ (resonant or not) jet+ME T (monojet)
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz51 Leptoquarks eejj et e jj jets + MET jj et jj CPPM
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz52 Quarks excites M q* > 520 GeV @ 95% CL CPPM
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz53 Z’ L ~450 pb -1 Dijet SM DY Others (W,Z,diboson,tt)
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz54 Large Extra Dims G g,q jet n: number of Extra Dims M D : effective Planck scale qq, qg, gg-> gG, qG => single energetic jet + large ME T
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz55 RS Extra Dim
JP-CPPM 4-8/04/06E. Kajfasz56 Conclusions D0 et CDF sont en premiere place pour etre en mesure de pousser le Modele Standard dans ses retranchements dans les secteurs: de l’interaction forte de l’interaction electrofaible et du secteur de Higgs des saveurs lourdes de la nouvelle physique Au vu des objectifs de physique qui pourront etre atteints d’ici 2009, nous vivons une periode tres exaltante au TeVatron...
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