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Publié parViviane Goudreau Modifié depuis plus de 8 années
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Linac4 – 2012 Progress New 2.8MW klystron H- source DTL CCDTL RFQ
Linac4 – New Masterplan 3 Ready for 50 MeV protons as backup to Linac2 Ready for connection 2013/16 Masterplan, adapted to limited availability of resources during Long Shutdown 1 (2013/14) Options for connection to the PS Booster: a) Long Shutdown 2 (2018?) or b) intermediate length shut-down after end 2016 Start high-energy commissioning (12 MeV) 1 year reliability run End high-energy commissioning (160 MeV) Transfer 3 MeV to Linac4 tunnel
Masterplan – What is new 4 New with respect to the Masterplan of June 2012, adapted to LS1 6 months (3 more) for 3 MeV recommissioning in tunnel (more time for measurements + match delayed start of LS1) Better definition of 2 transfer line phases and activities Clear separation between beam commissioning phases (red) and installation/HW commissioning phases (blue) Beam test time foreseen for eg. PSB stripper tests Keep flexibility at the end to adapt to any connection schedule
Organisation 5 Only one major change: Jean-Baptiste Lallement replaces Christian Carli (who has been nominated Project Leader for ELENA) as WP Holder for the Transfer Line Workpackage. Best wishes of success to Christian, and thanks to Jean-Baptiste for having accepted to extend from the «intertanks» to a quite larger intertank section…
Linac4 – spending profile 6 -«smooth» curve because of manpower limitations -new profile (green): end of «normal» budgets in 2015 (extensions to 2016 will be possible) + «bump» for the connection in 2018 (a few budgets will remain active). -An operation budget from 2016 is being requested by BE (and by the other Departments). (MCHF)
EVM – where are we ? 7 -Very good agreement between Earned Value and Actual Cost -Large delays (see previous slide) which are not realistic: long WUs started longtime in the past with a very low earned value but a high accumulated planned value. EVM reporting is not too bad, but should improve: 50% of WU are up-to-date, for 15% reporting is late, for 35% is very late (>3 months): Buzio, Brunner, Lopez-H., Broere, Coupard, Carli, Baudrenghien, Vandoni, Raich, Kozsar
A light EVM rebaselining 8 ACTIONS 2013: -Modify only few individual WUs that are obsolete. -Adjust only the dates in the WUs that show a large delay (for a large cost). -Organise individual meetings with few critical WPs: Acc. Structures / HPRF / LLRF / BI / Tr. Line / Magnets / … and correct the WP on the spot.
Linac4 at the Open Day 9 Proposal for visits to Linac4 for the CERN Open Days (28-29.9.2013): 1.Free visit of the hall (access only to platform), with an exhibition of equipment and possible conference/slide show 2.Guided tour of tunnel (groups of 12 with a guide, only 2 groups at the same time, ≈100 p/hour) - 3 MeV installed (and running?), some CCDTL, 1 PIMS. Need about 10 volunteers for the tunnel visits (half a day each on Saturday or Sunday). More is better!
Safety File (from Anne Funken) 10 La partie descriptive du safety folder est en révision chez les WP Holders depuis le 8/02. Merci à ceux qui l’ont déjà commenté et fourni les informations manquantes (Il y en a peu…). Deadline pour ceux qui ne l’ont pas encore fait: sous 8 jours, pour pouvoir intégrer les commentaires et l’envoyer aux chefs de groupes et DSOs avant Pâques, soit d’ici fin mars. Partie démonstrative en travail, de même que la partie opérationnelle. Pour la phase commissioning (hardware et beam), il faut connaitre les tests qui sont prévus et le planning, en particulier les dangers additionnels que les tests génèrent (conditions particulières éventuelles lors des tests). Des procédures doivent être rédigées et approuvées au préalable. Pour la source, rien ne m’a encore été communiqué par exemple (documents qui ont du être fournis lors de la réception de HSE notamment).
Conclusions 11 Thanks to all for this outstanding result !
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