Le vendredi 4 décembre, 2015 Les descriptions

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1 Le vendredi 4 décembre, 2015 Les descriptions All of you will revise hair and eyes in French. Many of you are be able to describe 3 Harry Potter characters. If you do not know Harry Potter, that is okay. We are just using Harry Potter for examples. Some of you should be able to understand other students’ descriptions.

2 0:41 0:40 0:42 0:43 0:45 0:44 0:39 0:38 0:33 0:32 0:34 0:35 0:37 0:36 0:46 0:47 0:57 0:56 0:58 0:59 1:01 1:00 0:55 0:54 0:49 0:48 0:50 0:51 0:53 0:52 0:31 0:30 0:09 0:08 0:10 0:11 0:13 0:12 0:07 0:06 0:01 End 0:02 0:03 0:05 0:04 0:14 0:15 0:25 0:24 0:26 0:27 0:29 0:28 0:23 0:22 0:17 0:16 0:18 0:19 0:21 0:20 1:02 1:03 1:42 1:41 1:43 1:44 1:46 1:45 1:40 1:39 1:35 1:33 1:36 1:37 1:38 1:47 1:48 1:57 1:56 1:58 1:59 2:00 1:55 1:54 1:50 1:49 1:51 1:52 1:53 1:32 1:34 1:12 1:11 1:13 1:14 1:16 1:31 1:10 1:09 1:05 1:04 1:06 1:07 1:08 1:17 1:15 1:18 1:26 1:28 1:29 1:30 1:25 1:27 1:20 1:24 1:21 1:19 1:22 1:23 décembre Les descriptions Translate Les cheveux raides. Les cheveux frisés et courts. J’ai les yeux verts et les cheveux longs. J’ai les cheveux roux. Ma soeur est rousse. Je suis grande et mince et j’ai les yeux bleus. Il est petit et gros. Elle a les yeux marron et les cheveux raides. Il a les cheveux blonds et il est méchant. Je suis petit et gentil mais je n’ai pas de cheveux. Straight hair. Curly and short hair. I have green eyes and long hair. I have red hair. My sister is red hair. I am tall and thin (fem) and I have blue eyes. He is small and big. She has brown eyes and straight hair. He has blond hair and he is nasty. I am small and kind but I have no hair. Ext: How would say in French? I have brown hair and brown eyes. 2. My twin brothers are tall and funny. 10

3 décembre 2015 Les descriptions
All of you will revise hair and eyes in French. Many of you are be able to describe 3 Harry Potter characters. If you do not know Harry Potter, that is okay. We are just using Harry Potter for examples. Some of you should be able to understand other students’ descriptions.

4 Choose 3 characters and describe them in French
Je m’appelle Harry. J’ai les yeux marron et les cheveux bruns. Je suis courageux, généreux, intelligent. Je suis de taille moyenne. J’adore l’aventure. Je m’appelle + name 10 mins J’ai + hair/eyes. Je suis + physical description/personality. Sybill Trelawney Dudley Dursley Minerva McGonagall Luna Lovegood Albus Dumbledore Cedric Diggory Xenophilius Lovegood

5 All of you will revise hair and eyes in French.
décembre Les descriptions All of you will revise hair and eyes in French. Most of you should be able to describe 3 Harry Potter characters. Some of you should be able to understand other pupils’ descriptions.

6 décembre 10 mins Les descriptions Choose one of your descriptions . 2. Write it on the paper in front of you without the name of the character Turn your paper and write the name of your character in small letters. Leave Side A visible on your table and go around the classroom. Try to guess as many characters as you can. Write the description in your book. If you spot any mistake call me. Side A J’ai les yeux marron et les cheveux bruns. Je suis courageux, généreux, intelligent. Je suis de taille moyenne. J’adore l’aventure. Side B Je m’appelle Harry potter.

7 All of you will revise hair and eyes in French.
décembre Les descriptions All of you will revise hair and eyes in French. Most of you should be able to describe 3 Harry Potter characters. Some of you should be able to understand other pupils’ descriptions.

8 characters (or any other well-known characters) in French.
Journal Describe 4 Harry Potter characters (or any other well-known characters) in French. My name is I am tall/small/big/thin …I have + hair and eyes color I am + (3 to 5) adjectives describing personalities. For extra points, add their relation to Harry Potter. Taille Petit(e)/grand(e) Gros(se)/mince Très gros(se) Personalité Marrant(e) Intelligent(e) Idiot Timide Sportif/Sportive Créatif/Créative Travailleur/Travailleuse Ennuyeux/Ennuyeuse Paresseux/Paresseuse Gentil(e) Méchant(e) Courageux/ Courageuse Génereux/ Génereuse Honnête Sérieux/Sérieuse Bavard(e) Drôle Égoiste Romantique sympa Je m’appelle Je suis j’ai Le/la ______ de l’ ami(e) de le professeur de la professeur de le parrain de Les yeux Les cheveux Marron Bleu Gris Noisette Vert Brun Blond Roux/Rousse Long/court Raides/frisés/ondulés bouclés/en brosse Courts/longs/mi-longs

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