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Publié parMarin Labonté Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
mercredi 17 septembre Decris-toi! WALT: je vais créer un texte La première activité: trouvez l’intrus, expliquez votre idée 1.en Angleterre en France à Amsterdam 2.en Espagne en Chine au Canada 3.au Portugale au Canada à Canterbury 4.à Birmingham en Suisse en Belgique
WALT: je vais utiliser un modèle pour créer un texte mercredi 17 septembre Decris-toi! WILF 1 To use “a/en/au” accurately WILF 2 to identify 6+ details WILF 3 to include another pronoun
Present New Information WILF 1: To use “a/en/au” accurately Je vais a Paris. Je vais en France. Je vais au Portugale. Je vais aux Etats-Unis. Je vais a Paris. Je vais en France. Je vais au Portugale. Je vais aux Etats-Unis. “à” has 2 meanings “to” and ? “à” has 2 meanings “to” and ? to/in “à” + town/city “en” with country if feminine (most common) “au” with country if masculine “aux” with country if plural (aux Etats-Unis) to/in “à” + town/city “en” with country if feminine (most common) “au” with country if masculine “aux” with country if plural (aux Etats-Unis)
Construct Ecoutez les descriptions et notez les détails WILF 2: to identify 6+ details ageanniv.paysvillefamilletaillecheveuxyeux Pascal Laurent Karima
WILF 2: to identify 6+ details Vouz avez une minute pour trouver les autres details!
WILF 2: to identify 6+ details WILF 3: to include another pronoun What can we steal from the text?
WILF 3: to include another pronoun APPLY: You now have 10 minutes to write a description of yourself from memory! WILF 2: to include 6+ details EXTRA! Add an opinion CHALLENGE 1 Name Age Where you live Family Hair/eye colour Pets Height CHALLENGE 1 Name Age Where you live Family Hair/eye colour Pets Height CHALLENGE 2 Name Age/Birthday Where you live Family/pets-what you have and don’t have Hair/eye colour Height Name/age of brother/sister/pet CHALLENGE 2 Name Age/Birthday Where you live Family/pets-what you have and don’t have Hair/eye colour Height Name/age of brother/sister/pet
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