LUNDI, LE 30 NOVEMBRE Journal Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce week- end?

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1 LUNDI, LE 30 NOVEMBRE Journal Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ce week- end?

2 FR. AP Les expressions negatives Lisez pg. 79-80 Faites ex. 1 à 6 Discutez ce que vous avez fait et mangé ce weekend. Il y avait quelque choses que vous vouliez faire ou manger que vous n’aviez pas?

3 VOCAB Ex. 10, pg. 179 Les repas en France et aux Etats-Unis

4 FUTUR To say “will” do something, use the future tense. This is formed with the infinitive of the verb (unconjugated form) plus the following endings: Je= aiNous = ons Tu= asVous= ez Il= aIls= ont

5 IRREGULIERS There are some irregulars: Aller(to go)= ir Etre (to be)= ser Avoir( to have)= aur Venir(to come)= viendr Vouloir (to want, to like)= voudr So,… I will go = j’iraiHe will go = Il will be = je seraiWe will be = I will have = j’auraiShe will have = I will come = je viendraiThey will come = I will want = Je voudraiYou will want =

6 TRY THESE 1.I will dance 2.He will eat 3.They will stir 4.You will cut 5.She will go 6.We would like (voudr) 7.You will have 8.I will grate


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