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Publié parMartial Brosseau Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
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%nakedsoftware.org opensource license, copyright 2010 stephane.poirier@oifii.org % %developed by Stephane Poirier, M.Sc. Optical Physics, Remote Sensing Application Software Developer (1991-2010) % %this function is part of oifii.org's ar\sp\ Microwave- derived 30-year Canada-Alaska Daily Temperature and Snowcover Databases library % %this function is part of oifii.org's ar\sp\'this folder' application (lauched with ar\sp\'this file'.m) %oifii.org's ar\sp\affiche_carte application is part of the oifii.org's ar\sp set of applications which %may also contain similar variant versions of this function with identical filename. % %A geophysical research paper about this work has been submitted in June 2009 for publication in JGR-Atmosphere %Royer, A. and Poirier S., Surface temperature spatial and temporal variations in North America from homogenized %satellite SMMR-SSM/I microwave measurements and reanalysis for 1979-2008, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, %Submitted June 2009, http://www.oifii.org/tsatdb/Royer- Poirier_Microwave-derived-daily-surface- temperature_JGR2009JD012760_R2.pdf % %This study's database can be downloaded from the author web site at: %http://www.oifii.org/tsatdb/Royer-Poirier_Microwave-derived- daily-surface-temperature-db_1979-2008.zip % %this function is used to display the raw microwave raster data (NSIDC's SMMR and SSMI satellite, ref. nsidc.org) % %usage: % 20yymmmdd % %version 0.0, 20yymmmdd, spi, initial function draft % %nakedsoftware.org opensource license, copyright 2010 stephane.poirier@oifii.org
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************************ affiche_cartes(dossier,filtrenomfichier) exemple d'utilisation: affiche_cartes('C:\smmr\160x240\Canada\1978\D296_300','*298*') *************************
function affiche_cartes(dossier,filtrenomfichier,naffiche,ndemimoniteu r) if nargin<1 disp('usage: affiche_cartes(''dossier'',''filtrenomfichier'',naffiche=- 1,ndemimoniteur=-1)'); return; end if nargin<4 ndemimoniteur=-1; end if nargin<3 naffiche=-1; end % utilise la chaine de caractère filtrenomfichier % pour obtenir la liste des fichiers à afficher et, % pour chacun des fichiers trouvés dans le dossier % specifié, appel affiche_carte(directory,nomfichier) if nargin==1 filtrenomfichier='*.*'; end fichiers=dir(fullfile(dossier,filtrenomfichier)); [nombredefichiers,nombredestructureparfichier]=size(fichiers) ; % assuming any number of subfolders could be present for n=1:nombredefichiers if ~(fichiers(n).isdir) %if the nth file is not a folder affiche_carte(dossier,fichiers(n).name,naffiche,ndemimoniteur ); end
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