Les jours de la semaine.

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Présentation au sujet: "Les jours de la semaine."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Les jours de la semaine

2 lundi

3 mardi

4 mercredi

5 jeudi

6 vendredi

7 samedi

8 dimanche The etymological origin of the word "dimanche" is NOT the sun, like in English "Sunday" or German "Sonntag", but comes from Latin "dies domini" ("day of the Lord"), like in Spanish and Portuguese "Domingo" or Italian "Domenica". See 

9 dimanche vendredi samedi jeudi lundi mardi mercredi 1 5 2 3 6 4 7
Hands in air mardi 2 Hands stretch forward from elbows samedi Hands on head mercredi 3 6 Hands on shoulders Hands on knees jeudi 4 dimanche 7 Arms folded Hands in cross over chest Song & actions – Frere Jacques tune

10 Les jours – chanson to the tune of ‘Frère Jacques’
lundi, mardi (x2) mercredi (x2) jeudi, vendredi (x2) samedi, dimanche (x2) Use the actions with the song to help kinaesthetic learners.

11 What do you notice about all the words for days of the week in French?
lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche

12 What do you think ‘di’ means?
lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche What do you think ‘di’ means?

13 More words with the ‘i’ sound:
souris six il Can you add any more words to the list/create a class poster? Côte d’Ivoire dix

14 jeudi mardi dimanche lundi samedi vendredi mercredi
Work with a partner to write down the days of the week in the right order on your whiteboard! jeudi mardi dimanche lundi samedi vendredi mercredi

15 How did you do? lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche

16 Les jours – chanson to the tune of ‘Frère Jacques’
lundi, mardi (x2) mercredi (x2) jeudi, vendredi (x2) samedi, dimanche (x2) Use the actions with the song to help kinaesthetic learners. This time let’s try it as a round!

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