Français 10/19/15 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 44. Faites #4,5. How does the man on the moon get his hair cut? Doux/douce – mild/soft. Douce nuit, sainte.

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Présentation au sujet: "Français 10/19/15 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 44. Faites #4,5. How does the man on the moon get his hair cut? Doux/douce – mild/soft. Douce nuit, sainte."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Français 10/19/15 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 44. Faites #4,5. How does the man on the moon get his hair cut? Doux/douce – mild/soft. Douce nuit, sainte nuit. Silent night, holy night. Goals – Prepare listening activites and writing for the Chapter Test. Les Devoirs – #5 à la page 43.

2 Français 10/20/15 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 44. Faites # 6. How much do pirates pay for their earrings? Patron(ne) – boss. Mon patron m’a donné beacoup de travail. My boss gave me a lot of work. Goals – Review for Chapter 1 test; reading and listening activities! Les Devoirs – A la page 37; faites “E.”

3 Français 10/21/15 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 44. Faites # 7. Why did the cowboy buy a dachshund? Oublier – to forget. N’oublie pas! Don’t forget Goals – Complete preparation for Chapter 1 test. Les Devoirs – A la page #44, faites # 8.

4 Français 10/22/15 Five minutes to prepare for Chapter 1 test. Why did the stoplight turn red? Attendre – to wait. Il y a plus d’une heure que je t’attends. I’ve been waiting for your for more than an hour. Goals – Take and correct the tests. Begin talking about likes and dislikes for school. Les Devoirs – Draw a picture for each vocabulary word on page 51. Write the word in French under it.

5 Français 10/23/15 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 51. Ecrivez trois phrases de cours que tu aimes et trois que tu n’ame pas. What do you get if you cross an alley cat with a Chinese cat? Mettre de l’ordre – to tidy. Tu mettras de l’ordre dans le maison plus tard. You’ll tidy up the house later. Goals – Learn the names of classes and share opinions about them. Les Devoirs – #8 à la page 52.

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