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Publié parÉmilien Nadeau Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
Christophe Cotillon - ACTIA French NCP for SC2 and KET Biotechnology
ICT PROGRAMME Christophe Cotillon - ACTIA French NCP for SC2 and KET Biotechnology
Leadership in industrial technologies
Les 3 piliers de H2020 Excellent Science Societal Challenges Industrial Leadership SC2: Food security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland water research, and the Bioeconomy SC 6: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies SC7: Secure Society FET-Open MSCA Leadership in industrial technologies Space ICT Specific objectives: Spreading Excellence & Widening Participation Science with and for Society
DG CONNECT Components & Systems (Directorate A) - photonics, robotics,
Digital Society, Trust & Security (Directorate H) - active and healthy ageing, - digital Social Platforms for Societal Challenges
FP7 FoodMicroSystems CSA – coordination ACTIA – Aérial, LNE, ACTALIA
Principaux résultats: 1 étude sur les besoins des IAA en matière de micro-systèmes 4 roadmaps sectorielles.
H2020 Programme de travail 2014-2015 - 2014 ICT 23 – 2014: Robotics
- 2014 ICT 23 – 2014: Robotics ICT 26 – 2014: Photonics KET - 2015 ICT 24 – 2015: Robotics ICT 28 – 2015: Cross-cutting ICT KETs Programme de travail Non disponible
Propositions Propositions soummises en 2015 - ICT 28
KET4FD - Integrated platform using Key Enabling Technologies for quality monitoring of Fermented Drinks (IA) IFV, IFBM, IFPC Mast-ID- Smart system for early detection of mastitis etiogenic pathogens and abnormal milk integrated at-line with milking systems (IA) ACTALIA ALLERGENSTOP - miniAturized optoeLectronic system for fast at-Line monitoring of allERGENS aT fOod Processing industries (IA) Aérial
Propositions - ICT 24 “Robotics” FERMAT - FEderating Robots, machines and knowledge for the advancing Manufacturing Technology (IA) ACTIA - ICT 10 “Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation” AGRIPA – AGRIFOOD R+D NETWORK (RIA)
Deadlines Appel d’offres 2015 14 avril 2015 – 1 seule étape
Programme de travail Lancement de l’appel d’offres 2016 en septembre 2015.
Autres opportunités ERA-NET ‘ICT AGRI-2’
23 partenaires européens. La France est représentée par IRSTEA ICT-AGRI Call 2015: Enabling Precision Farming Soumission: 24/04/2015 Pas de soutien de l’ANR.
Merci !
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