Le verbe Venir Les normes: – Communications 1.2: Understanding the written and spoken language – Comparisons 4.1: Understanding language through comparisons.

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1 Le verbe Venir Les normes: – Communications 1.2: Understanding the written and spoken language – Comparisons 4.1: Understanding language through comparisons

2 Les questions essentielles What does « venir » mean and what sort of verb is it? What are other verbs that follow this pattern of conjugation? In the passé composé which helping verb do they use? What are their past participles?

3 Le verbe venir 1.Study the forms of the present tense of venir (to come). je viens VENIR tu viens il/elle/on vient nous venons vous venez ils/elles viennent Tu viens avec nous au cinéma? Tous les ans, beaucoup de touristes viennent en France.

4 2. The verbs revenir (to come back) and devenir (to become) are conjugated the same way as venir. Their past participles are venu, revenu, and devenu. These verbs are conjugated with être in the passé composé. Elle est devenue très riche et elle est revenue dans son village natal. Le verbe venir

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