© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-1 Point de départ In Leçon 2A, you learned to form the present tense and command forms of reflexive verbs.

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1 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-1 Point de départ In Leçon 2A, you learned to form the present tense and command forms of reflexive verbs. You will now learn how to form the passé composé of reflexive verbs.

2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-2 Use the auxiliary verb être with all reflexive verbs in the passé composé, and place the reflexive pronoun before it. If the verb is not followed by a direct object, the past participle should agree with the subject in gender and number.

3 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-3 If the verb is followed by a direct object, the past participle should not agree with the subject. Use the masculine singular form. To make a reflexive verb negative in the passé composé, place ne before the reflexive pronoun and pas after the auxiliary verb.

4 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-4 Ask a question using inversion with a reflexive verb in the passé composé as you would with non-reflexive verbs. Place the subject pronoun after the auxiliary verb and keep the reflexive pronoun before the auxiliary.

5 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-5 Place a direct object pronoun between the reflexive pronoun and the auxiliary verb. Make the past participle agree with the direct object pronoun that precedes it.

6 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-6 The irregular past participle of the verb s’asseoir is assis(e).

7 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-7 Form the imparfait of reflexive verbs just as you would non-reflexive verbs. Just add the corresponding reflexive pronoun.

8 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-8 Essayez! Complétez ces phrases. 1. Natalia s’est (foulé/foulée) le bras. 2. Sa jambe? Comment Robert se l’est-il (cassé/cassée)? 3. Les deux joueurs de basket se sont (blessé/blessés) au genou. 4. L’infirmière s’est (lavé/lavées) les mains. 5. M. Pinchon s’est (fait/faite) mal à la jambe. 6. S’est-elle (rasé/rasées) les jambes? 7. Elles se sont (maquillé/maquillés) les yeux? 8. Nous nous sommes (cassé/cassées) la jambe.

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