Fun French Language Club

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Présentation au sujet: "Fun French Language Club"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Fun French Language Club
Quelle heure est-il? Fun French Language Club

2 Bonjour! Ça va? We are learning today to: Ask and say the time.
You should be able to: Say the time on the hour Half-hour And quarter-hour.

3 Quelle heure est-il? Il est neuf heures





8 Quelle heure est-il? Il est midi

9 Quelle heure est-il? Il est minuit

10 Fun French Language Club
Quelle heure est-il? Fun French Language Club

11 Devoir (homework) Now you are ready to work in your book.
Open P.9 Unit 2: À l’école worksheet 5 ≠1 Look at the clock and write the times using the words in the grid. When you finish, move to ≠2 in the same worksheet 5 This time, You draw the times you want on the clocks and then write the time like you did above.


13 Au revoir

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