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Publié parMarquite Le meur Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Le passé composé & limparfait ensemble
Use imparfait: Used to happen/habitual/frequently repeated Information is used as background context Descriptions of past feelings of thoughts/weather/time/etc. An ongoing action that was interrupted by another action Two past actions viewed as ongoing & simultaneous
These general expressions of time signal limparfait: Dhabitude, souvent, tous les jours, généralement, le vendredi, autrefois, chaque (jour), etc.
Use passé composé: Events that are isolated occurrences Actions tied to a specific point in time or length of time To narrate main actions of a past event To indicate a change in feelings, thoughts or habits, or a reaction to a situation An action which interrupted an ongoing situation
These specific expressions of time signal le passé composé: Hier, vendredi dernier, une fois, lannée passée, il y a deux ans, un vendredi, tout à coup, soudainement, tout dun coup, etc.
Verbs of description are usually imparfait: Aimer, avoir, croire, devoir, espérer, être, penser, pouvoir, savoir, vouloir, etc. HOWEVER, verbs of action can be used in either tense depending on context: –Quand les Allemands ont envahi la France, beaucoup de Français ont résisté. –Certains Français résistaient contre les Allemands dans les Cévennes quand Antoine est arrivé.
Some verbs completely change meaning depending on what tense theyre used in: Je devais I was supposed to Je pouvais I was able/allowed to Je savais I knew Je voulais I wanted to Javais 15 ans I was 15 Jai dû I had to/must have Jai pu I succeeded/managed Je nai pas pu I failed/couldnt Jai su I learned/discovered Jai voulu I decided Je nai pas voulu I refused Jai eu 15 ans I turned 15
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