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La formation des questions Reflect a bit… Reflect a bit… Pourquoi est-il important de poser les questions? Pourquoi est-il important de poser les questions?

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Presentation on theme: "La formation des questions Reflect a bit… Reflect a bit… Pourquoi est-il important de poser les questions? Pourquoi est-il important de poser les questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 La formation des questions Reflect a bit… Reflect a bit… Pourquoi est-il important de poser les questions? Pourquoi est-il important de poser les questions? In French, there are four different methods of asking a question. In French, there are four different methods of asking a question. LintonationLintonation Nest-ce pasNest-ce pas Est-ce queEst-ce que LinversionLinversion

2 1. Lintonation Lintonation = changing the pitch of your voice Lintonation = changing the pitch of your voice This is the easiest way to ask a question This is the easiest way to ask a question Les exemples: Tu aimes manger les croque-monsieur?

3 Lintonation (continuée) When asking a question using intonation, question words always go at the end of the question. When asking a question using intonation, question words always go at the end of the question. Il travaille au restaurant quand?

4 2. Nest-ce pas If you are asking a question that you think you already know the answer to, you can make a statement and add nest-ce pas to the end. If you are asking a question that you think you already know the answer to, you can make a statement and add nest-ce pas to the end. Tu parles français, nest-ce pas? Madame Chukrallah est la prof, nest-ce pas?

5 3. Est-ce que Generally used with spoken questions Generally used with spoken questions Est-ce que is put at the beginning of a statement Est-ce que is put at the beginning of a statement Est-ce que tu veux manger? Est-ce que tu aimes lécole? Question words always start the sentence with questions formed with est-ce que Pourquoi est-ce que tu aimes parler anglais? Question words always start the sentence with questions formed with est-ce que Pourquoi est-ce que tu aimes parler anglais?

6 4. Linversion Formed by reversing the placement of the subject and the verb Formed by reversing the placement of the subject and the verb Aimes-tu la classe de français? Est-il un bon professeur? If the verb being inverted ends in a vowel in the forms il/elle or ils/elles, a t is added between the verb and the subject for pronunciation purposes. If the verb being inverted ends in a vowel in the forms il/elle or ils/elles, a t is added between the verb and the subject for pronunciation purposes. Travaille-t-il au restaurant? Aime-t-elle voyager?

7 Révision des mots interrogatifs… Qui?Quand?Pourquoi?Comment?Combien?Où?

8 Pratiquons… Écrivez les questions en français… 1. Do you (s.) like to study? a. Intonation: Tu aimes étudier? b. Nest-ce pas: Tu aimes étudier, nest-ce pas? c. Est-ce que: Est-ce que tu aimes étudier? d. Inversion: Aimes-tu étudier?

9 2. When does he work? a. Intonation: Il travaille quand? b. Est-ce que: Quand est-ce quil travaille? c. Inversion: Quand travaille-t-il? * Remarquez: Nest-ce pas ne marche pas avec cette question parce que tu ne sais pas la réponse.

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