Echauffement 1: le 19/8 I. Copy down all questions, then circle the one does not belong 1. mal très bien super 2. comme ci comme ça bonjour salut 3. madame enchanté monsieur 4. de rienje vous en priemerci Quiz tomorrow, Thursday on VOCABULARY SHEET 1A and Venn diagram
Echauffement #2 le 2/9/2015 Identify Francophone countries from the 5 continents: (use textbook pages and/or map if necessary) 1.North America 2.Europe 3.Asia 4.Africa 5.South America
Echauffement #3: le 3/9/2015 Write down the number that follows in the series. I will be checking your homework (number sheet) 1.six, huit, _______________ 2.Vingt-cinq, vingt, ____________ 3.dix, vingt, _________________ 4.Neuf, douze, ________________
Echauffement #4: le 3/9 (not 2 nd period) Write out and answer the following math problems. 1.dix + six = _______________________________ 2.Quarante-six - quatorze = _________________________________ 3.trente-sept + quinze = ________________________________