French leve 1 - Homework due on May 2, 2016 – vocabulary  You are given at the beginning of the year the global list of the vocabulary list of BON VOYAGE,


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Transcription de la présentation:

French leve 1 - Homework due on May 2, 2016 – vocabulary  You are given at the beginning of the year the global list of the vocabulary list of BON VOYAGE, to study and to practice via Quizlet (online)  For the review for the Final Exam, please do all the exercises in quizlet related to all the chapters of Bon Voyage. Do the Flashcard / learn/ speller / test / scatter, and have your parents sign the following page in recognition of completion of the quizlet assignment.

HOMEWORK DUE ON 05/02 – REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAM PARENTS’ SIGNATURE REQUIRED  I acknowledge that Ms. Tran, my French teacher, has made a special effort to ensure I review for my final exam by creating a detailed review packet to help me prepare for the district approved end of year exam. However, I am responsible for my educational progress knowing that this is a high school credit class. I will review the vocabulary of the chapters of Bon Voyage by practicing it on quizlet. I will practice the listening and questions/answers, exercises uploaded on Ms. Do’s webpage: I will be attentive in class during the review session of the packet and fully participate. Ms. Tran will keep the review packet in class until we finish the review as in class. The packet will be given back to me at least three days before I take the exam so I can study at home.  Student name __________________________ Period: _________  Student signature_________________________________  Parent signature__________________________________  Date: _____________________

VOCABULARY (Preliminaries)  Click on the link below and do the all the activities related to the vocabulary list of the chapter in order to master it:  glencoe-french-level-1-preliminary- chapter-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 1)- un ami, une amie Click on the link below and do the all the activities related to the vocabulary list of the chapter in order to master it: level-1-chapter-1-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 2)- Les cours et les profs  1-chapter-2-flash-cards/ 1-chapter-2-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 3)- Pendant et après les cours  chapter-3-flash-cards/ chapter-3-flash-cards/  Vocabulary with images  chap-3-mots-1-images-flash-cards/ chap-3-mots-1-images-flash-cards/  Regular –er verbs  chapitre-3-mots-1-regular-er-verbs-flash- cards/ chapitre-3-mots-1-regular-er-verbs-flash- cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 4)- La famille et la maison  1-chapter-4-flash-cards/ 1-chapter-4-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 5)- Au café et au restaurant  level-1-chapter-5-page-183-flash-cards/ level-1-chapter-5-page-183-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 6)- La nourriture et les courses  1-chapter-6-flash-cards/ 1-chapter-6-flash-cards/  voyage-level-1-chapter-6-mme-d-flash- cards/ voyage-level-1-chapter-6-mme-d-flash- cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 7)- Le vêtements  1-chapter-7-flash-cards/ 1-chapter-7-flash-cards/  Phrases to practice  voyage-1-chapitre-7-phrases-flash-cards/ voyage-1-chapitre-7-phrases-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 8)- l’aéroport et l’avion  level-1-chapter-8-mots-12-flash-cards/ level-1-chapter-8-mots-12-flash-cards/  Review the sentences related to chapter 8  chapter-8-sentences-flash-cards/ chapter-8-sentences-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 9)- La gare et le train  voyage-level-1-chapter-9-flash-cards/ voyage-level-1-chapter-9-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 10)- Les sports  voyage-level-1-chapter-10-vocabulary- flash-cards/ voyage-level-1-chapter-10-vocabulary- flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 11)- L’été et l’hiver  level-1-chapter-11-flash-cards/ level-1-chapter-11-flash-cards/  Phrases to practice  chapitre-11-phrases-flash-cards/ chapitre-11-phrases-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 12)- La routine quotidienne  1-chapter-12-flash-cards/ 1-chapter-12-flash-cards/  voyage-1-chapter-12-mots-2-mlle-rodela- flash-cards/ voyage-1-chapter-12-mots-2-mlle-rodela- flash-cards/  voyage-1-chapter-12-2-flash-cards/ voyage-1-chapter-12-2-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 13)- Les loisirs culturels  voyage-level-1-chapter-13-flash-cards/ voyage-level-1-chapter-13-flash-cards/

VOCABULAIRE (Chapitre 14)- La santé et la médecine  bon-voyage-red-mots-1-flash-cards/ bon-voyage-red-mots-1-flash-cards/

IRREGULAR VERBS  l1-irregular-verbs-flash-cards/ l1-irregular-verbs-flash-cards/