1. Création dun groupe de travail mixte constitué de spécialistes de lex-Union Soviétique et de France ayant des conceptions professionnelles communes. 1. Creation of a work group made up of specialists from ex Soviet Union and France sharing the same professional concepts.
2.Réalisation de projets médico-sociaux communs pour les communautés locales des pays de lEst (Russie, Ukraine, Azerbaïdjan, Lituanie) 2. Developed socio-medical projects for the local communities of Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukrania, Azerbaidjan, Lithuania).
3. Elaboration de programmes de formation et dexpertises au service dun large réseau de centres médico-sociaux de lEurope de lEst et de lEurope de lOuest. 3. Organised training and specialization programs for a large network of socio-medical centers of the Jewish community of East and West Europe..
4. Collaboration entre lOSE, Heseds et ORT – France qui a permis délaborer un nouveau modèle de formation de spécialistes par Internet, grâce au programme intitulé E-Learning. 4. Collaboration between OSE, Heseds and ORT – France which made it possible to develop a new training programme for specialists via the Internet, using a programme called E-learning
5. Echanges dexpériences profitables aux spécialistes pour améliorer les méthodes de soins, de les rendre plus efficaces et peu coûteuses grâce à une bonne adaptation aux conditions des pays concernés. 5. Exchange of experience beneficial to specialists helping them to improve their methods of health care, in order to be more efficient and less expensive, while taking into account local conditions within each country.
6. Le travail commun entre les spécialistes des pays de lEst, ORT, Joint a été loccasion pour lOSE de retrouver laction humanitaire quelle avait menée historiquement en Europe de lEst. 6. The collaboration between specialists from Hesed ORT, and JDC, gave OSE the opportunity to become involved again in the humanitarian work that was traditionally carried out in eastern Europe.
Développement ultérieur du projet : lexpérience acquise diffusée dans un grand nombre de communautés grâce à des séminaires en Europe de lOuest et de lEst (20% de lactivité) et grâce à un travail commun sur Internet dans le cadre du programme E-Learning (80%). Future developments of the project : The experience acquired will be transmitted to a large number of communities through seminars in eastern and western Europe (20% of the activity) and through the internet using the E-learning programme (80%).
St. Petersburg region, Hesed Avraham, proposes: 1.To create a mobile team helping and caring for the elderly who are unable to leave their home 2. To create a geriatric centre for the Jewish Community with an old peoples home and a day Centre.
Kiev region, Ukraine, Hesed Avot wishes to create a reeducational department for the elderly in the public hospital. Zaparojie region, Ukraine, proposes the creation of a day centre for the handicapped children. Odessa region, Ukraine, wishes to open a cafe for Holocaust survivors.
The Lithuanian Jewish community in Vilnius wishes to create a department dedicated to helping the elderly stay at home as long as possible. Jewish community in Bakou, Azerbaijan, wants to open a day centre for the elderly disabled people.
In the partnership OSE has agreed to take part in the logistic support of these projects. Each project has its referents as stated above.