Où habites-tu? What level can you answer at?. OBJECTIFS: To say what we do in the evenings at home; To talk about ourselves and others; LITERACY - To.


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SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
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sortir avec mes copains faire les magasins jouer à des vidéo
Transcription de la présentation:

Où habites-tu? What level can you answer at?

OBJECTIFS: To say what we do in the evenings at home; To talk about ourselves and others; LITERACY - To understand infinitives and the present tense. Qu’est-ce que tu fais?

Infinitive The form of the verb we find in the dictionary is called the “infinitive”.

This is expressed in English by “to …”, e.g. to play, to think, to sing

In French the most common regular verb in the infinitive is the –er verb, e.g. jouer = to play

Present tense This expresses an action which is happening at the present time. Je joue = I am playing / I play

To form the present tense Subject pronoun + the stem + the appropriate ending

Subject pronouns je = I tu = you (sing.) il = he/it elle = she/it on = one nous = we vous = you (pl./sing polite) ils = they (m,m+f) elles =they(f)

The stem In –er verbs the stem is formed by removing the –er – eg. jouer

The Endings je = -e tu = -es il = -e elle = -e on = -e nous = -ons vous = -ez ils = -ent elles = -ent

jouer – to play je joue tu joues il joue elle on nous jouons vous jouez ils jouent elles jouent

Qu ’ est-ce que tu fais? Match up the French and the English, then put them into the present tense Match up the French and English infinitives playing on the computerswimming talking on the phonedrawing playing football skiing playing the guitar watching TV listening to music eating icecream jouer au foot jouer de la guitarejouer à l’ordinateur regarder la télé manger de la glaceparler au téléphone skier dessinernagerécouter la musique

What are they doing? Expo 1 Listening Page 51 Ex6 (Module 3, Unit 4) télémusiquefootdînerjardin Mamadou Imina et Mona père famille

Dans la Maison Folle ( In the crazy house) Use these infinitives to write your own silly descriptions of what people are doing what in each room of the house jouer – playing marcher – walking regarder – watching jouer – playing marcher – walking regarder – watching travailler – working manger – eatingdanser - dancing skier – skiing chanter – singing parler – talking skier – skiing chanter – singing parler – talking préparer - preparing dessiner – drawingétudier - studying nager – swimming porter – wearing écouter – listening nager – swimming porter – wearing écouter – listening 1. Mon oncle __________ dans la cuisine. 2. Ma mère ____________ dans la salle de séjour. 3. Mes frères _____________ dans la salle à manger. 4. Moi et ma cousine ___________ sur l’escalier. 5. Ma soeur ______________ dans la chambre. 6. Mes poissons _______________ dans la salle de bains. Now make up some silly sentences of your own and draw pictures to show the meaning

Qu’est-ce que tu fais le soir? Mon agenda…

OBJECTIFS: To say what we do in the evenings at home; To talk about ourselves and others; LITERACY - To understand infinitives and the present tense. Qu’est-ce que tu fais?