LES DÉTERMINANTS DÉFINIS FSL – RÉVISION (PT.1). LES DÉTERMINANTS DÉFINIS We have these types of words in English as well! They will always come before.


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Transcription de la présentation:


LES DÉTERMINANTS DÉFINIS We have these types of words in English as well! They will always come before a noun, because it determines the noun. This type of déterminants indicates a definite/particular object. Ex/ In English, we will say “The boy”, “The girl”, “The cats” However, in French, they will agree in gender and in number with the noun it determines. Ex/ En français, nous disons “Le garçon, “La fille”, “Les chats” “L’école”

LE/LA/LES In English, we use the same word “The”, regardless if it is masculine or feminine. However, in French… masc. & sing.fém. & sing.pluriel Exemple:crayonchaisechats / chattes Déterminant défini le crayon la chaise les chats / les chattes **When do we use l’?! Réponse: When the noun it is determining is a)singular b)starts with a vowel! Ex/ Le orange  L’orange (if it is plural = les oranges c)starts with a silent H! Ex/ Le homme  L’homme

ESSAYONS! -______________ sandwich (m.s.) est bon. -Il aime _____________ chiens (m.pl) -Nous faisons de _______________ natation (f.s.) -_______________ château (m.s.) est grand! -Nous allons à _______________ école (f.s.) secondaire Riverside. -Tu as _______________ feuilles (f.pl.) de papier? Le les la Le l’ les


LES DÉTERMINANTS INDÉFINIS These are a different type of déterminants. They also determine a noun, but are indefinite, as in they do not indicate a particular object. These are much more general. Ex/ In English, we will say “A boy”, “A girl”, “Some cats” However, in French, they will agree in gender and in number with the noun it determines. Ex/ En français, nous disons “Un garçon, “Une fille”, “Des chats”

UN/UNE/DES In English, we use “A” (sing.) or “Some” (plur.), regardless if it is masculine or feminine. However, in French… masc. & sing.fém. & sing.pluriel Exemple:crayonchaisechats / chattes Déterminant indéfini un crayon une chaise des chats / des chattes Regardless if the following noun starts with a vowel, we will still use un/une (there is no un’).

ESSAYONS! -J’ai ______________ frère (m.s.) et ____________ soeur (f.s.). -Il aime _____________ fille (f.s.). Elle s’appelle Nadine. -Nous faisons _______________ randonée (f.s.) -_______________ élèves (m.pl.) vont au centre commercial. -Nous allons à _______________ école (f.s.). -Est-ce que tu as ____________ gommes (f.pl.) à effacer? unune Des une des