Debrief Environnement. Appreciation on Assessments Scientific quality & outputs –Very good Academic reputation & appeal –Very good Interaction with social,


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Transcription de la présentation:

Debrief Environnement

Appreciation on Assessments Scientific quality & outputs –Very good Academic reputation & appeal –Very good Interaction with social, economic and cultural environment –Very good Team organization & life –3 axes have indeed some interactions in between themselves and they share common knowhow and facilities –axis ‘radiation and evolution of life’ has an obvious logical link with the radiation damage activites in the health groups –muography group feels closer to the HEP physics groups Involvement in training through research –Very good Strategy & 5 year plan –Modest ambition –TOMUVOL: need to elaborate further this part of the 5 years project once financial and staff support is secured. However for the time being, the team is more in an expectative attitude than in a proactive one and the strategy for the future is not very clear. –ZATU: Goals are rather clear but the strategy and the efforts needed to achieve these goals should be clarified. LPC - Pôle Physique pour la Santé et l'Environnement

Conclusions STRENGTHS –Strong links between the environment studies at LPC and locally strong groups in volcanology and geology. –Play an important role within the framework of the labex Clervolc and the zone-atelier ZATU). –Muography developments are at the top international level, thanks to a considerable investment from the lab and the region. –Expertise on measuring low-level activities, mostly using thermoluminescence technics, has also reached a good level of recognition. WEAKNESSES –Valorization of scientific results regarding instrumentation developments (through papers, patents or reports…) is relatively small. –There is insufficient support from technical services and poor financial support from IN2P3 for this activity. –Lack of PhD students and limited permanent staff. The project involves a significant fraction of ‘enseignants-chercheurs’ with only part time research activity. Some research actions are led by groups reaching a sub-critical size. 3 LPC - Pôle Physique pour la Santé et l'Environnement

Conclusions OPPORTUNITIES –labex and IN2P3 provide support for muography, while ANR or PIC are potential funding and networks for the future. THREATS –the merging of Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes regions may induce a loss of competitiveness; –the renewal of positions to compensate for retirements is problematic. Some groups are subcritical in size; –there is a risk of loss of competence for the research unit, the region and nationally in case the lowactivity measurements would be discontinued; –the evolution of muography from scientific feasibility studies to quantitative measurements of geophysical interest is challenging. The funding for future is uncertain. 4 LPC - Pôle Physique pour la Santé et l'Environnement

Recommendations The activity on Radiology and volcanoes is clearly under-critical in terms of FTE and its future is questioned. Radiation and evolution of life has recently focused its activity along one main topic (E. coli evolution) and should be encouraged to continue in this way. Muography is nearing the end of its initial phase of feasibility study and is reaching a critical point. A continuation will rely on joining a large international effort. There was a considerable investment of the region and of the research unit in this activity. Its future should be supported and prepared carefully 5 LPC - Pôle Physique pour la Santé et l'Environnement

Décryptage 6 LPC - Pôle Physique pour la Santé et l'Environnement Très bonne reconnaissance des actions menées dans le projet et de l’investisement des personnels Muographie:??? Radiation and Volcanoes : forte intégration locale notamment au travers de la coopération avec le LMV et le Labex Clervolc mais forces vives beaucoup trop faibles (permanents et étudiants) pour assurer le dynamisme et la pérennité de cette activité. Radiation and Evolution: poursuite de l’action, thèse de Nathanaël Lampe encadrée par V. Breton et D.Sarramia en collaboration avec le LMGE et le CENBG.

Pistes pour le projet Environnement Muographie: –Changement de pôles –Actions vis à vis des financements obtenus Radiation & Volcanoes : programmes de recherche bien identifiés à court terme (~ 3 ans) ; les projets en cours seront finalisés, Rapprochement avec un autre groupe de T.P. au moment du départ (retraite) de D.M. ? Anticipation indispensable (réflexion en cours). Radiation & Evolution: Ouvert pour une éventuelle réorganisation dans le pôle Santé ou autre ZATU –Impact des rayonnements sur le vivant: thèse de Nathanaël Lampe en collaboration avec le LMGE –Instrumentation: réseau de capteurs sans fils sur le site de Rophin (mine d’uranium) CSAT effectuée avec une évaluation des besoins techniques et ressources humaines 7 LPC - Pôle Physique pour la Santé et l'Environnement