François Rabelais François Rabelais was a major French Renaissance writer, doctor and humanist. He was regarded as a writer of fantasy, satire, the grotesque, dirty jokes and bawdy songs.Although the place of his birth is not reliably documented, it is probable more..more..
“ François Rabelais:How shall I be able to rule over others, that have not full power and command of myself? #Power#Power
“ François Rabelais:Subject to a kind of disease, which at that time they called lack of money. #Money#Money
“ François Rabelais:Plain as the nose in a man's face. #Faces#Faces
“ François Rabelais:Fais ce que voudras. ##
“ François Rabelais:He that has patience may compass anything. #Patience#Patience
“ François Rabelais:We will take the good will for the deed. #Deeds and Good Deeds#Deeds and Good Deeds
“ François Rabelais:Je n'ai rien vaillant; je dois beaucoup; je donne le reste aux pauvres. #Rest#Rest
“ François Rabelais:Appetite comes with eating...but the thirst goes away with drinking. #Alcohol and Alcoholism#Alcohol and Alcoholism
“ François Rabelais:Pour ce que rire est le propre de l'homme. #Education#Education
“ François Rabelais:Je m'en vais chercher un grand peut-être; tirez le rideau, la farce est jouée. #Immortality#Immortality
“ François Rabelais:Et guerre faicte sans bonne provision d'argent, n'a qu'un souspirail de vigueur. Les nerfz des batailles sont les pecunes. #Civilization#Civilization
“ François Rabelais:Certaine gayeté d'esprit conficte en mespris des choses fortuites. #Civilization#Civilization
“ François Rabelais:...l'estomach affamé n'a poinct d'aureilles, il n'oyt goutte. ##
“ François Rabelais:A son [Timon le Misanthrope] exemple ie denonce à ces calumniateurs diaboliques, que tous ayent à se pendre dedans le dernier chanteau de ceste lune. Ie les fourniray de licolz. #Fiction#Fiction
“ François Rabelais:Les heures sont faictez pour l'homme, & non l'homme pour les heures. #Love#Love
“ François Rabelais:Looking as one pea does like another. #Beauty#Beauty
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