V.1a E. Berera1 ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks Introduction IEEE 802.15.4 Objective: What it is and is it necessary ?


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Transcription de la présentation:

v.1a E. Berera1 ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks Introduction IEEE Objective: What it is and is it necessary ?

v.1a E. Berera2 What it is : Wikipedia ● Wikipedia IEEE ● IEEE is the 15 th working group of the IEEE 802 which specializes in Wireless PAN (Personal Area Network) standards. It includes five task groups (numbered from 1 to 5) [1]:working groupIEEE 802Wireless PAN[1] – Contents ● [hide]hide ●  ··1 Task group 1 (WPAN/Bluetooth) ··1 Task group 1 (WPAN/Bluetooth) ●  ··2 Task group 2 (Coexistence) ··2 Task group 2 (Coexistence) ●  ··3 Task group 3 (High Rate WPAN) ··3 Task group 3 (High Rate WPAN) ●  ··3.1 3 (High Rate WPAN) ··3.1 3 (High Rate WPAN) ●  ··3.2 3a (WPAN High Rate Alternative PHY) ··3.2 3a (WPAN High Rate Alternative PHY) ●  ··3.3 3b (MAC Amendment) ··3.3 3b (MAC Amendment) ●  ··3.4 3c (WPAN Millimeter Wave Alternative PHY) ··3.4 3c (WPAN Millimeter Wave Alternative PHY) ●  ··4 Task group 4 (Low Rate WPAN) ··4 Task group 4 (Low Rate WPAN) ●  ··4.1 4 (Low Rate WPAN) ··4.1 4 (Low Rate WPAN) ●  ··4.2 4a (WPAN Low Rate Alternative PHY) ··4.2 4a (WPAN Low Rate Alternative PHY) ●  ··4.3 4b (Revisions and Enhancements) ··4.3 4b (Revisions and Enhancements) ●  ··5 Task group 5 (Mesh Networking) ··5 Task group 5 (Mesh Networking)

v.1a E. Berera3 What it is : Official Site ● IEEE ● The IEEE TG4 was chartered to investigate a low data rate solution with multi-month to multi-year battery life and very low complexity. It is operating in an unlicensed, international frequency band. Potential applications are sensors, interactive toys, smart badges, remote controls, and home automation. ● IEEE TG4 FEATURES ●  Data rates of 250 kbps, 40 kbps, and 20 kbps. ●  Two addressing modes; 16-bit short and 64-bit IEEE addressing. ●  Support for critical latency devices, such as joysticks. ●  CSMA-CA channel access. ●  Automatic network establishment by the coordinator. ●  Fully handshaked protocol for transfer reliability. ●  Power management to ensure low power consumption. ●  16 channels in the 2.4GHz ISM band, 10 channels in the 915MHz I and one channel in the 868MHz band.

v.1a E. Berera4 The standard ● Standard \net\courses\zwsn\ pdf ● Section 5: General Description pp ● A LR-WPAN is a simple, low-cost communication network that allows wireless connectivity in applications ● with limited power and relaxed throughput requirements. The main objectives of an LR-WPAN are ease of ● installation, reliable data transfer, short-range operation, extremely low cost, and a reasonable battery life, ● while maintaining a simple and flexible protocol. ● Some of the characteristics of an LR-WPAN are ● — Over-the-air data rates of 250 kb/s, 40 kb/s, and 20 kb/s ● — Star or peer-to-peer operation ● — Allocated 16 bit short or 64 bit extended addresses ● — Allocation of guaranteed time slots (GTSs) ● — Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA-CA) channel access ● — Fully acknowledged protocol for transfer reliability ● — Low power consumption ● — Energy detection (ED) ● — Link quality indication (LQI) ● — 16 channels in the 2450 MHz band, 10 channels in the 915 MHz band, and 1 channel in the 868 MHz ● band ● Two different device types can participate in an LR-WPAN network; a full-function device (FFD) and a ● reduced-function device (RFD). The FFD can operate in three modes serving as a personal area network ● (PAN) coordinator, a coordinator, or a device. An FFD can talk to RFDs or other FFDs, while an RFD can ● talk only to an FFD. An RFD is intended for applications that are extremely simple, such as a light switch or ● a passive infrared sensor; they do not have the need to send large amounts of data and may only associate ● with a single FFD at a time. Consequently, the RFD can be implemented using minimal resources and memory ● capacity.

v.1a E. Berera5 Internet ● INTERNET: INTERconnected NETworks – Le réseau des réseaux ● Service de base: interconnexion d’ordinateurs et de réseaux d’ordinateurs ● Eléments – Stations de travail, Ordinateurs individuels – Serveurs – Routers – Boucles téléphoniques et réseaux locaux – Artères en fibres optiques Principe de fonctionnement: commutation de paquets (de données) modem réseau local

v.1a E. Berera6 Raisons du succès de l'Internet ● Modèle de réseau de réseaux – Inter Networking (Interconnected Networks) – Tous types d'infrastructures – Terminaux intelligents ● Les points de connexion aux réseaux sont des objets capables de traitements évolués – Données véhiculées dans des datagrammes séparés (paquets) ● Principes fondamentaux d'architecture – Communication de “bout en bout” (End to end) – “Meilleur effort” pour l'acheminement (Best effort)

v.1a E. Berera7 Architecture OSI liaison de données physique réseau routage liaison de données physique réseau routage data link physical network transport session presentation application web server liaison de données physique réseau transport session présentation application navigateur routeur serveurclient LAN LS Lignes Spécialisées vers autres routeurs End Systems Intermediate Systems

v.1a E. Berera8 Communication de “bout en bout” ● Partenaires dialoguent pour établir la communication et prendre les décisions nécessaires ● Eléments intermédiaires transparents ● Pas de positionnement privilegié – client/serveur → client et serveur – Peer to peer

v.1a E. Berera9 Architecture Internet liaison de données physique réseau routage liaison de données physique réseau routage data link physical network transport (session) (presentation) application web server liaison de données physique réseau transport (session) (présentation) application navigateur routeur serveurclient LAN LS Lignes Spécialisées vers autres routeurs Hosts Gateways ou Routers ETH IP PPP TCP HTTP ou FTP Pages HTML, ASP, JSP ou fichiers

v.1a E. Berera10 Nouvelles Applications ● Peer-to-peer (partage d'info, jeux, etc.) ● Présence et accès à l'information “Always on” ● Audio-visuel: Triple Play (VoIP, IP-TV, VoD) ● Téléphonie cellulaire de 3e Génération + (3GPP, UMTS+) ● Domotique et robotique (Home / Industry Automation) – Sensor networks (réseaux de capteurs... et actionneurs) ● Automobile (Transportation embedded networks) – Voitures / Cars / Bus / Tramway / Trains / Avions ● Objets communiquants – Infrarouge, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, RFID, NFC, etc. ● Il faut donc se préparer

v.1a E. Berera11 Historique de la standardisation d'IPv6

v.1a E. Berera12 Questions ● 1 – Donner au moins trois raisons valables qui rendent la transition de IPv4 à IPv6 nécessaire ● 2 – Cette transition ne semble pas avoir un caractère d'urgence. Pourquoi ? ● 3 – Que vaut-il mieux faire ? ● Vos questions

v.1a E. Berera13 Références ● Wikipedia IEEE ● 'Gisele Cizault', “IPv6, Théorie et pratique”,4e édition, 2005, O'Reilly ●