Object Pronouns Melelui telaleuryen nousles vous.


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Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French

The Pronoun Y. Objectifs At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: 1.explain the use of the pronoun «Y». 2.substitute nouns/phrases with «Y». 3.put.
Les pronoms compléments
Object Pronouns in Passé Composé

4 Avoir Les normes: –Communication 1.2 : Understanding the written and spoken language –Comparisons 4.1 : Understanding the language through making comparisons.
Direct Object Pronouns Indirect Pronouns Pronouns Y et En
Le pronom remplace un nom ou une proposition
Le pronom en. What does it do? En is a french object pronoun that is used to replace many expressions dependent on quantity En mostly refers to things.
Le pronom en Some or any. Notice the use of en in the responses. 1. Tu fais du jogging. Oui, jen fais. 2. Vous avez fait de la gymnastique? Oui, nous.
Les Pronoms Disjoints.
Les pronoms de lobjet direct et Indirect AVEC PIERRE-auguste renoir Kathleen Pepin Edité par Ross Connelly.
Relative Pronouns AND Relative Clauses. What is a relative clause and pronoun? A relative clause describes someone or something mentioned by the main.
Les objects directs. A direct object receives the action of the verb. It answers the question: whom or what I see the bird. What do I see? The bird. The.
Les pronoms des objets indirects
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
Lui et Leur Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect Objects Answers the question to whom? or for whom? Placed immediately before the verb it refers to.
Le pronom EN Meanings: Some, any, of it, of them, from it, from them, or from there.
Les verbes en -er. chanter – to singtelephoner – to call danser – to dancetravailler – to work diner – to have dinnervoyager –to travel ecouter – to listen.
C. Expressions indéfinies de quantité p. 158 B. Révision: Le pronom en p. 156 Quit Aspects de la vie quotidienne A. Révision: Le pronom y p. 156 UNITÉ
EN. Use EN to : -Replace DE + a thing Par exemple: Je parle souvent (de mon ecole.) JEN parle souvent.
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
Direct Object Pronouns With a quick review of stress/disjonctive pronouns.
Les Compléments dObjets Indirects. Can you recognize if a noun is the direct or indirect object? Jean gives Marie the flowers. What is the subject? Jean.
Direct Object Pronouns Direct objects are the people or things in a sentence which receive the action of the verb. To find the direct object in a sentence,
Indirect object pronouns Leçon 16. En anglais Indicate the direct and indirect objects in the following sentences in English: 1.I am giving the book to.
Les pronoms compléments: le/la/les; lui/leur. You already know how to use direct object pronouns: Je mange le sandwich = Je le mange Il aime les films.
Unité 8 - Bleu La grammaire dUnité 8. Prendre – to take je prends nous prenons tu prends vous prenez il prend elles prennent o Other verbs congugated.
Mercredi, le 21 Janvier 2014 Agenda du jour Les Verbes Réfléchis
Y and en Two little words with a lot of meaning. y.
Les Pronoms: CODs, COIs, Y, EN
Mardi 26 avril 2011 Today we are going to use pronouns that function as indirect pronouns. We are going to learn how to make the distinction between direct.
1. THE RELATIVE PRONOUN QUI. The relative pronoun ____ is a subject pronoun. It may refer to people or things, and corresponds to the English pronouns.
Leçon: Pronoms Objets Directs et Indirects
Les pronoms objets direct et indirect
En translates to some, any, of it, or of them.. Tu veux du yaourt? Non, merci, je nen veux pas.
Direct and Indirect object pronouns By: Kayla Roy.
Direct Object Pronouns Background information (What you should already know) Subject or Personal Pronouns: Je--I Tuinformal you Ilhe or it Elleshe or it.
La grande révision de pronoms! Everything you should already know!
Les pronoms Le, la, les, le Lui, leur Y, en.
Direct and Indirect Object Pronoun Notes
The pronoun y. Y means there A preposition of location plus a noun referring to a place or thing can be replaced by the pronoun y.
Direct and indirect object pronouns
??????????????????????? QUESTION WORDS Pensez!!! What words do we use in English to ask information questions???? Who What? When? Where? Why? How? How.
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Les pronoms Révission Révission. Les pronoms objets directs me, te, se, nous, vous le (l), la (l), les Direct object pronouns replace nouns (persons or.
A Le pronom y p. 282 Note the use of the pronoun y (there) in the answers to the following questions. Tu vas souvent à la plage? Oui, j’y vais souvent.
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Les objets directs We use direct object in daily speech, it is just a matter of recognizing them.
A1. Révision: les pronoms le, la, les et lui, leur p. 162
Indirect Object Pronouns melelui telaleur nous l vousles Je lui parle!
Presenting the wonderful world of Pronouns.
Les pronoms objets In French as in English, there are various kinds of pronouns, or words used in the place of or as a substitute for a noun. The direct.
Les pronoms Y et en. En Je mange du chocolat. Il en faut. J’ en mange Il faut des pommes. You use en to replace a noun when it implies a quantity. It.
Notes les 8-9 octobre L’impératif (Command forms) Donne-lui ton crayon. (Give him your pencil.) Ne me parlez pas comme ça. (Don’t talk to me like that.)
Les pronoms d’objet direct (Direct Object pronouns)
 Je dis la vérité à mes professeurs. Direct object – answers the question “What” We know how to replace these? Remember? Je la dis à mes professeurs.
Les Pronoms Objet: indirect et direct Rachel Mojdehbakhsh AP French - 2.
Direct and indirect object pronouns
4 Le Pronom Y Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisions 4.1 Les questions essentielles: -How does the pronoun “Y” translate into English? -What does the.
Les pronoms objets indirects.  Peux-tu identifier les règles des ‘pronoms objets indirects’ en regardant les exemples suivants?
Français 2: mercredi, le 15 mai, 2013 Activités: Cahier BV p. 143 Activités 11 et 12 Interro 4 sommatif Texte p Structure: l’imperatifs Cahier.
2 Le Pronom « EN » Referring to people, places and things already mentioned La norme: –Communication 1.2 –Comparisons 4.1 * Les questions essentielles:
Subject pronouns usually begin a sentence. They tell what the person or thing is doing. In French they are as follows Je- I nous- we Tu – you (informal)
Direct and Indirect Shauna O.
Direct Object Pronouns! Français II. Direct Objects D.O. A direct object is a part of speech that RECEIVES the direct action of the verb. Ask “who” or.
Les pronoms compléments d’objet Object pronouns. Direct Object Pronouns A direct object receives the action of the verb, -- who? Or What? –I see the ball/je.
Pronouns in French What is a pronoun? Give examples of pronouns you already know!
Transcription de la présentation:

Object Pronouns Melelui telaleuryen nousles vous

Object Pronouns me, te, nous, & vous – identical as indirect or direct objects Mais… faites attention avec 3ieme personne!!! – Le, la, les = direct objects Answers the questions who or what? May replace people of things – Lui, leur = indirect objects Answers the questions to / for whom? Replaces only people

Pratiquez I gave him my pencil. – Je ____ ai donné mon crayon. I sold him my bike. – Je ______ ai vendu mon velo. We sent them the gifts. – Nous _________ avons envoyé les cadeaux. You are calling her. – Tu _________ téléphones. Ask him. – Demande-lui! Listen to her! – Écoute-la! Wait for her! – Attends-la!

Position Usually directly in front of the verb that governs it. If the verb is a compound tense, put the object pronoun before the helping verb. Negatives surround the verb (or the helping verb in compound tenses) but never separate an object from the verb!

Pratiquez!! I see her. I saw her. I speak to them. I had spoken to them Je la vois. Je lai vue Je leur parle. Je leur avait parlé

Exceptions!!!! In the affirmative command, the pronoun will follow the verb and will attach to that verb with a hyphen. In this affirmative command construction.. – ME MOI – TE TOI UNLESS in combination with y or en, in which case they take an apostrophe.

Practiquez Give me some flowers! Give me some! Remember to drop the s of any –ER verb (including aller) in the tu command form Donne-moi des fleurs! Donne-men!

Y Translates as there Replaces any preposition of place except de Nous irons en Italie. – Nous y irons. Elle a jété ses clés sur la table. – Elle y a jété ses clés. – Elle les y a jétées BUT.. Also replaces anything (except people) introduced by the preposition à Tu joues au tennis? – Oui, jy joue ( I play it) As-tu repondu à ma lettre? – Oui, jy ai repondu – Non, Je ny ai pas repondu

en Replaces de Replaces partitive articles – Du, Des, de la, de l (some) Il achète des pommes. Il en achète Used to express quantities – Combien de… – Tu as combien de freres? – Jen ai un! – Jen ai beacoup! Some verbs require de Penser de Se moquer de Est-ce quelle pense de ses problemes? – Oui elle en pense

Prepositions of place En Sur / sous Dans À / au /aux Dedans / dehors au-dessus / Au-dessous Derriere / devant Loin de / près de Autour de En haut / en bas En face de À coté de Au milieu de Il a planté cet arbre au mileu de son jardin. – Il y a planté cet arbre. Nous aurions conduit autour de la ville, si il navait pas plu. – Nous ny aurions pas conduit

Ramasser les feuilles qui etaient tombes Les gratte-ciels!!! Une foule – a crowd Des soldes Neuf etages Nous avons conduit Mon anniversaire sest passe A grand ecran Un défilé Urgence Ecouteurs Infirmiere Je ne peux pas marreter a tousser Pressé On se depeche impressionant