Handy Time Vocab 1 - Calendar With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Handy Time Vocab 1 - Calendar With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face

Hello! I am Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face. Now Im going to teach you some really, really, REALLY useful words.

Today Aujourdhui

Tomorrow Demain

Yesterday Hier

The day after tomorrow Après demain

The day before yesterday Avant-hier

This week Cette semaine

La semaine prochaine Next week

La semaine dernière Last week

This month Ce mois-ci

Next month Le mois prochain

Last month Le mois dernier

This year Cette année

Next year Lannée prochaine

Last year Lannée dernière

There you go, nice and useful, now go and use them!