Les loisirs(part 1) WALT: to talk about leisure activities and express whether you like them or not WILF: Grade E - leisure activities, opinions and justifying.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Les loisirs(part 1) WALT: to talk about leisure activities and express whether you like them or not WILF: Grade E - leisure activities, opinions and justifying them Grade D – Grade E + what you are going to do at the weekend Grade C – Grade D + what you did last weekend

Match the activities with the French- Copy the French and the English in your book 1-regarder la télé 2- jouer au tennis 3- aller au cinéma 4- aller à la pêche 5- nager / aller à la piscine 6- jouer aux jeux vidéo 7- jouer au volley 8- faire du karaté 9-jouer au foot 10- Faire du VTT 11- faire de l’équitation 12- faire mes devoirs 13- jouer au badminton

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE English as well! To say what you like doing …. (copy in your book the following) MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE English as well!

Read the texts below. Answer the question in your book- in English

Don’t forget! Future tense = Je vais + verb EG: Je vais aller au cinéma = I am going to go to the cinema Past tense= j’ai + joué / regardé / fait/ nagé (I played / watched/did/swam) Be careful ! I went = je suis allé(e)