Comment fonctionne le Module Description ?


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Transcription de la présentation:

Comment fonctionne le Module Description ? Apprendre à utiliser EX-ACT – Module 1/14 Comment fonctionne le Module Description ? © FAO March 2010: All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material contained on FAO's Web site for educational or other non-commercial purposes are authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of material for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without the written permission of the copyright holders. Applications for such permission should be addressed to:

A propos Ce module fait partie d’une série de power points visant à décrire la structure et le fonctionnement de l’outil EX-ACT. EX-ACT (Ex-Ante Carbon-balance tool) est un outil développé par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation etl’Agriculture (FAO). Il vise à apporter des estimations de l’impact des projets de développement agricoles et forestiers sur les émissions de Gas à effet de serre et la séquestration de carbone, indiquant leurs effets dans un bilan carbone. Il s’agit d’un système basé sur l’utilisation des terres, associée à l’adoption de gestion et de pratiques alternatives (Voir le flyer de l’outil EX-ACT ). L’outil adopte une approche par module, chaque module étant décrit dans un power point comme celui-ci. Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes.

Objectifs Après avoir lu ce module, vous serez capable de: Comprendre comment le module description de l’outil EX-ACT fonctionne; Lister les données nécessaires pour faire tourner le module description; Utiliser par vous même le module description. Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes.

Vue principale de l’outil EX-ACT Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes. Cliquer ici pour entrer dans le module description

Vue complète du Module Description Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes. Partie à remplir par l’utilisateur

2 3 1 4 5 6 Comment renseigner le module... Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes. 6 6 differentes informations de base à renseigner

1 Comment renseigner le module… 1/6 L’utilisateur peut choisir le Potentiel de Réchauffement Global (PRG) utilisé pour calculer les flux d’émissions en eq-CO2 Le choix par défaut est le PRG officiellement reconnu par le CDM et fixé par le protocole de Kyoto CH4 = 21 N2O = 310 Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes. Un choix alternatif est proposé, il correspond à la dernière révision du GWP effectuée par l’IPCC CH4 = 25 N2O = 296

L’utilisateur doit entrer un nom pour le projet qu’il souhaite évaluer Comment renseigner le module… 2/6 2 L’utilisateur doit entrer un nom pour le projet qu’il souhaite évaluer Bien que cette cellule puisse être délaissée, il est préférable de la renseigner pour une meilleure communication sur le travail effectué et garantir un meilleur report des résultats Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes.

3 Comment renseigner le module… 3/6 Sélectionner le “Continent” relatif au projet Cela va influencer et conditionner certaines valeurs par défaut Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes.

3 Comment renseigner le module… 3/6 Sélectionner le “Continent” relatif au projet Cela va influencer et conditionner certaines valeurs par défaut “Continent” 11 options disponibles: Afrique Asie (Continentale) Asie (Subcontinentale) Asie (Insulaire) Moyen Orient Europe de l’Ouest Europe de l’Est Oceanie Amérique du Nord Amérique centrale Amérique du Sud Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes.

4 Comment renseigner le module… 4/6 Sélectionner le “Climat” relatif au projet Cela va influencer et conditionner certaines valeurs par défaut Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes.

4 Comment renseigner le module... 4/6 Sélectionner le “Climat” relatif au projet Cela va influencer et conditionner certaines valeurs par défaut Voir le module “Climat” pour l’aide “Zone Climatique” 5 options disponibles Boreal Froid temperé Subtropical ou Chaud temperé Tropical Montagneux Tropical “Regime hydrique” 3 options disponibles: Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes. Pour obtenir de l’aide, cliquer sur le bouton Sec Humide Pluvieux Ces informations déterminent la plupart des coefficients qui seront utilisés par la suite, il est donc important d’être le plus précis possible

5 Comment renseigner le module… 5/6 Sélectionner le “Type de sol dominant” relatif au projet Cela va influencer et conditionner certaines valeurs par défaut Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes.

5 Comment renseigner le module… 5/6 Sélectionner le “Type de sol dominant” relatif au projet Cela va influencer et conditionner certaines valeurs par défaut Voir le Module “Sol” pour l’aide Cliquer ici pour obtenir de l’aide sur le choix des options “Type de Sol” 6 options disponibles: Sols à argile 2:1 Sols sableux Soil spodiques Soils volcaniques Sols de terres humides Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes. Cette information déterminent la plupart des coefficients qui seront utilisés par la suite, il est donc important d’être le plus précis possible

6 Comment renseigner le module… 6/6 Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes.

6 Comment renseigner le module… 6/6 L’utilisateur doit indiquer une durée précise pendant laquelle le projet est évalué: 2 phases sont considerées Phase d’implementation: phase active et opérationnelle du projet, correspondant couramment à la phase d’investissement. Phase de capitalisation: période durant laquelle les bénéfices du projets continuent de se manifester du fait des activités mises en oeuvre pendant la phase d’implementation. Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes. Pour respecter les autres méthodologies existantes, la durée totale de comptabilisation carbone atteint en moyenne 20 ans.

6 Comment renseigner le module… 6/6 L’utilisateur doit indiquer une durée précise pendant laquelle le projet est évalué: 2 phases sont considerées En conséquence, l’utilisateur informe la durée des phases d’implémentation (t1 – t0) et de capitalisation (t2 – t1), pour lesquelles plusieurs variables seront prises en compte (hectares convertis, nombre de têtes de bétail, quantité d’intrants, …) à l’instant initial (x0) et à la fin de la phase d’implémentation à la fois pour la situation de référence (situation sans projet) (x1) et pour la situation de projet (x2) Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes.

Lien direct au module “Résultats bruts” Comment renseigner le module… Il est possible d’accéder aux différents modules d’EX-ACT en cliquant sur les intitulés suivants Lien direct au module “Résultats bruts”

…Prochains modules à découvrir! Vous connaissez l’essentiel du module description... Required background The trainer is strongly recommended to verify the adequateness of the background of the trainees, notably their understanding of the concepts of “income distribution” and “social welfare”. If this background is weak or missing, the trainer may consider to deliver other modules before, as highlighted in the introduction. Other technicalities present in this module can be understood by all people with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics and statistics. Targeted Audience This module targets current or future policy analysts in the public administration or in NGOs, political parties, professional organisations consulting firms willing to enhance their expertise in analysing welfare impacts of policies by means of analysing changes in income distributions. Lecturers in selected undergraduate courses in economics and related fields, can also be interested in using this material for academic purposes. …Prochains modules à découvrir!

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Climat Vue principale du sous module « Aide climat » Cliquer sur le zoom pour plus de détail

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Climat Zones climatiques de l’IPCC Source: IPCC 2006 , lignes directrices des inventaires nationaux des GES, Volume 4, Chapitre 3

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Climat Zones climatiques IPCC simplifiées Sec Humide Froid Chaud Boreal (ou polaire)

Aide Climat Aide Climat: un outil pour déterminer le climat approprié Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Climat Aide Climat: un outil pour déterminer le climat approprié L’utilisateur doit renseigner 2 valeurs: Température Moyenne Annuelle (TAM) Précipitation Moyenne Annuelle (MAP) En fonction des TAM et PAM indiquées, un climat sera proposé ici Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, l’utilisateur a renseigné une TAM de 18°C et une PAM de 1200 mm, En conséquence, le climat proposé est “Chaud tempéré” avec un régime d’humidité “Humide” ou “Sec” en fonction du potentiel d’évapotranspiration Autres Exemples

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Climat Aide Climat: Un outil pour déterminer le climat approprié Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, l’utilisateur a indiqué une TAM de 24°C et une PAM de 3000 mm, En conséquence le climat proposé peut être à la fois “Tropical” avec un régime d’humidité “Pluvieux” , et “Montagneux Tropical” si l’altitude dépasse 1000 m Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, l’utilisateur a indiqué une TAM de14°C et une PAM de 950 mm, En conséquence le climat proposé peut être à la fois “Froid tempéré” avec un régime d’humidité “Humide” ou “Sec” en fonction du potentiel d’évapotranspiration

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Climat Liens vers des ressources externes Si l’utilisateur a accès à internet Cliquer sur le symbole pour voir une copie d’écran des pages web correspondantes

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Climat Liens vers la Carte Mondiale Climatique FAO Si l’utilisateur a accès à internet Copie d’écran de la page:

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Climate Help Liens vers la Carte Mondiale Pluviométrique FAO Si l’utilisateur a accès à internet Copie d’écran de la page :

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Climate Help Liens vers la Carte Mondiale Climat FAO Si l’utilisateur a accès à internet Copie d’écran de la page :

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Climat Liens vers New_LocClim: Estimation du climat local Si l’utilisateur a accès à internet Link to download the software Copie d’écran de la page :

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Climat Liens vers Web LocClim: Estimation du Climat local Mensuel Si l’utilisateur a accès à internet Copie d’écran de la page :

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Sol Vue principale du sous-module Aide Sol Cliquer sur le zoom pour plus de détail

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Sol Carte simplifiée des types de sols dominants IPCC Sols à argile 2:1 Sols sableux Soil spodiques Soils volcaniques Sols de terres humides Non sol Non dominant

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Sol Carte simplifiée des types de sols dominants WRB

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Sol Carte simplifiée des types de sols dominants USDA

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Sol Schéma de Classification des types de sols minéraux, basée sur la taxonomie USDA

Aide Sol Correspondance avec WRB2006 Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Sol Correspondance avec WRB2006 Schéma de classification des types de sols minéraux basé sur la classification du World reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) Un lien externe est accessible en haut du schéma de classification: Voir pages FAO

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Aide Sol Page web FAO pour WRB

On-line resource materials for policy making Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool On-line resource materials for policy making Glossaire Bilan Carbone: doit être considéré, pour un projet spécifique (ou un scénario d’action) en comparaison avec une référence, comme le bilan net de toutes les émissions de GES à l’interface de l’atmosphère exprimées en CO2 equivalent (sources and puits) et le changement net des stocks de carbone (biomasse, sol…). Puits de Carbone: système qui absorbe naturellement une partie du CO2 emis dans l’atmosphère et stocké pendant une période plus ou moins longue. Facteur d’émission: coefficients normalisés qui permettent de calculer les flux de GES Potentiel de Réchauffement Global (PRG) mesure indiquant la contribution au réchauffement global d’une masse d’un GES donné. Il s’agit d’une échelle relative qui compare le gaz en question à la même masse de dioxyde de carbone (dont le PRG est 1 par définition).