Title Sub-title PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE European Commission Enterprise and Industry New trends in technology transfer – sinergy with national & international.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Title Sub-title PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE European Commission Enterprise and Industry New trends in technology transfer – sinergy with national & international policy Gabriel Vladut Ro4Europe, partner Enterprise Europe Network Romanian Association for Technology Transfer & Innovation

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Europe 2020 Strategy & The Innovation Union Why innovation? People with innovative spirit are the main factor in using the technology for development. They can ease both the technical development, and the social one, they can assure the link between research-development, industry and decision factors. The purpose of Europe 2020 Strategy is: an intelligent, sustainable and competitive economy. One wishes the involvement of all the actors and regions in the innovation cycle. The Innovation Union wants to improve the access towards financing for research and innovation, to make sure that the innovative ideas can be turned into products and services that can determine growth, competitiveness and jobs. The public and private sectors must work together through the Innovation Partnership; The technology transfer is developed through knowledge transfer.

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Strategic options for SME R&D projects in Horizon2020 R&D driven projects Market opportunity driven projects Horizon 2020 SME instrument Target: Business innovation motivated SMEs Eurostars Target: R&D intensive SME Horizon 2020 Collaborative Research Target: R&D topics

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› ? IDEAcontinued support throughout the project MARKET Concept & Feasibility Assessment Demonstration Market Replication R&D Commercialisation Idea to concept, risk assessment, technological & commercial feasibility Demonstration, prototyping, testing, market replication, scaling up, miniaturisation, research Quality label for successful projects, access to risk finance, indirect support SME window EU financial facilities Pre-commercial procurement Horizon2020 SME instrument

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Vision Research and innovation towards the Market The valorization of research, market transferable results Market facing Research and Innovation, as means for competitiveness increase Research = knowledge Innovation Technology transfer Formation

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Increase of competitiveness Through : Knowledge generators that would create new technologies Research results transferred to industry, market valued Knowledge Transfer in Universities – to the market Financing the innovation: Business Angels, Venture Capital Transferable technologies towards the economic environment Intellectual property; Patents Personnel trained (Technology Transfer and Innovation, technology brokers) Innovative SMEs with high added value Promotion, formation of a mass innovation culture Etc

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Enterprise Europe Network It is a network with over 600 business support organizations in 47 countries. Support of small and medium businesses is a central point for obtaining competitiveness and jobs. By working with the local business organizations we can help you to: Develop your business on new markets Make technology transfer, to develop innovative businesses and new technologies. Access European financing and European funds The SMEs participation in international research programs. We are connected by a powerful database, we share the knowledge and technologies as well as business partners from all countries in the Network.

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Best Practice Innovation vouchers Beneficiaries: SMEs with technological potential Providers of services: consultancy companies, Research Institutes, Universities Purpose: support of SMEs from the productive sector for the technological modernization and the increase of innovation degree, by simplifying the financing procedures. Values: max Euro; co-financing: 10%; Budget: 1.5 – 2.0 million Euro Services for the development of new products, technologies, IPR Implementation and testing of experimental models, patents Industrial research having the purpose of putting into production TT, evaluation and technology audit, phesability studies, business plans, support activities for innovation Transfer of research results towards the SMEs, Products certification, testing, laboratory analyses

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Occupational standard: Technology Broker Cod COR 2419 It is the person qualified to do the technology transfer, which connects offer with request, respecting the intellectual property rights. Identifies the results including those of research, especially those considered fit for the exploitation of a third party and their promotion in connection to market needs. Creates a set of activities that have as result: - The systematic and independent examination of a technology offered by an owner in order to determine characteristics, advantages, the way of market application, for finding a partner interested in applying the technology; - The realization of technology transfer assuring consultancy and assisting the parties during the transfer; - The promotion of services, publication of technological opportunities.

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Part 1: Innovation management Part 2: Intellectual and industrial property Part 3: Technology transfer, technology brokerage, negotiation It is applied inside the ITT and brokerage activities for strengthening the activities inside the National Strategy ITT. It specifies the component elements of such a technology transfer, identifies the object of technology transfer and best practices for its management. Presents types of TT, types of valid agreements; the stages of the technology transfer process, specific procedures. Refers to aspects regarding technology brokerage. Comprises forms compatible with the TT procedures. ASRO Standard. Model for developing business through innovation

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Partnership for innovation and development – Innovation Union Partnership between: Universities, Regional Development Agencies, Units for Structural Funds, SMEs & Research and Innovation Centres, Professional Associations, Ministry (Business Environment, Research & Innovation), IPR Agency. Objective: The creation of an Innovation Union, as a support pillar of regional development through innovation and technology transfer. Purpose: The growth of the capacity to promote the innovation, competitiveness, research, technology transfer as a regional development policy sustainable by the inter- connection of the knowledge, technologies and people.

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Example: SC INDA ELTRAC SA In the beginning: 4 people / limited financial resources Services: consultancy for obtaining funding through projects, association on product and business / technology transfer, access to communication infrastructure, participation in national and international events, consultancy to ISO standards certification. Results: Export in UE, partnership with companies from Germany, Austria. Modernization of 10 trams in Craiova Access to FP7/Civitas projects, Innovation and Structural Funds. Turnover: 3,4 mil Euro / 56 people.

Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Success story in Romania – TTT Research & Innovation in benefit of public authority – FP7/CIVITAS Modernization of public transport vehicles with electric traction based on an integrated chopper system; Beneficiary: RAT Craiova Results: - economy of energy with up to 30-40%; - efficiency increase; - increase of safety in exploitation and passengers’ comfort; In 2010, 2011, 2012, at Malmo – Sweden, Funchal – Portugal and Vitoria – Spain, during the Civitas Forum, Craiova was nominated as European Innovative City, for technological innovation in urban transport.

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