 L’imparfait (imperfect tense) is used to describe what things used to be like or to talk about repeated actions in the past  Frequently used in description.


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Transcription de la présentation:

 L’imparfait (imperfect tense) is used to describe what things used to be like or to talk about repeated actions in the past  Frequently used in description and narration Quand j’étais petit, mon père me punissait souvent. When I was little my father used to punish me often.

 To form the imperfect:  Determine the present tense 1 st person plural (nous form) and take away the –ons ending  Replace this with the Imparfait endings  Je-ais  Tu-ais  Il/elle on-ait  Nous-ions  Vous-iez  Ils/elles-aient

PARLER 1. Present Indicative (nous form): Nous parlons 2. Take away the –ons: parl- 3. Add the imparfait endings Je parlais tu parlais il/elle parlait nous parlions vous parliez ils/elles parlaient Elles parlaient They were speaking They used to speak They spoke (usually)

 Nous allons (take away –ons and add imparfait endings)  J’allais nous allions  Tu allais vous alliez  Il/elle allait ils/elles allaient Ma grand-mère allait toujours en vacances avec son chien. My grandmother always used to go on vacation with her dog.

 Use “ét”  J’étais Nous étions  Tu étais Vous étiez  Il/elle était Ils/elles étaient La vie était différente en ce temps-là. Life was different back then.