Les liaisons. You have learnt that in French we tend not pronounce the final consonant of a word, such as s, n or t. However, there are times when you.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Les liaisons

You have learnt that in French we tend not pronounce the final consonant of a word, such as s, n or t. However, there are times when you do have to pronounce them. This is called the liaison. Here are the rules

Compulsory liaisons 1. An article(un, les...), a number or an adjective followed by a noun or an adjective. Example:Les amis, trois armoires, un petit animal. (the s is pronounced like a z)

How would you prounounce… Les obstacles Huit enfants Mes animaux

Compulsory liaisons 2. Pronouns (ils, nous...) followed by a verb Example: ils ont nous avons vous allez

How would you prounounce… On a un perroquet. Vous êtes beaux. Ils habitent ici.

Compulsory liaisons 3. short adverbs, and connectives followed by a word Example: très intéressant

Compulsory liaisons 4. some set phrases Example: avant-hier, plus ou moins

Forbidden liaisons 1. After a singular noun Example: un poisson orange, un chat adorable

Forbidden liaisons 2. After et Example: un lion et un ours

Forbidden liaisons 3. in front of a silent h Example: en haut

Forbidden liaisons 4. in front of oui et onze Example: les onze élèves Pour un oui ou pour un non

Forbidden liaisons 5. After quand, comment, combien Example: comment as-tu voyagé?

Forbidden liaisons 6. After inversion Example: Parlez-vous anglais?

Forbidden liaisons 7. Adverb + adjective Example: Il est vraiment intelligent.