Les Pronoms Interrogatifs et Démonstratifs


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When you need clarification, and you want to ask Which one? use the following pronouns to refer back to the noun in the initial statement: MasculinFeminin.
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Remember: Quel means WHICH Lequel means WHICH ONE Celui means THE/THAT/THIS ONE.
WHAT/WHICH ONE? THIS ONE!. Review the forms of quel meaning what or which: MasculineFeminine Singular Plural.
lequel: J’aime ces deux paires de chaussures.
Les pronoms démonstratifs II This one is going to be very useful with those lequel questions and other areas of description.
 1. Which ankle boots? These ankles boots.  2. Which tank top? This tank top.  3. Which gloves? These gloves.  4. Which ski jacket? This ski jacket.
Comment poser et répondre aux questions
Les pronoms démonstratifs et les pronoms interrogatifs.
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Les pronoms démonstratifs
Point de départ To identify or point out a noun with the French equivalent of this/these and that/those, use a demonstrative adjective before the noun.
Lequel? ceux qui Grammaire celles-ci ce.
Point de départ To identify or point out a noun with the French equivalent of this/these and that/those, use a demonstrative adjective before the noun.
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The interrogative adjective quel
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French 4: Possessive Pronouns
Transcription de la présentation:

Les Pronoms Interrogatifs et Démonstratifs Grammaire: page 121-122

The different forms of quel mean “which”. masc. = quel fem. = quelle masc. plural = quels fem. plural = quelles

Examples: Quels profs aimes-tu? Vous lisez quel livre? Quelles magazines préfères-tu? Tu écoutes quelle cassette?

In order to ask “which one(s)”, use the interrogative pronoun lequel. masc. = lequel fem. = laquelle masc. plural = lesquels fem. plural = lesquelles

Examples: Je lis un bon livre. Ah oui? Lequel? Nous achetons des cassettes. Ah oui? Lesquelles? Elle a une nouvelle crème pour le visage. Ah oui? Laquelle? J’adore les parfums. Ah oui? Lesquels?

The question “which one(s)” is often answered by “this one, that one, these, those”, otherwise known as demonstrative pronouns. masc. = celui fem. = celle masc. plural = ceux fem. plural = celles

Demonstrative pronouns are never used alone. -ci and –là are used to single out: -ci is used to refer to a person or object closer to the speaker. -là is used to refer to a person or object farther away from the speaker.

Examples: J’ai deux robes. Laquelle dois-je porter? Lequel de ces livres aimes-tu? J’aime celui-ci, mais je préfère celui-là. J’ai deux robes. Laquelle dois-je porter? Celle-ci est jolie, mais celle-là est la plus belle.

Demonstrative pronouns are used with “de” to indicate possession (similar to the “ ‘s “ in English). Ce sont tes parents? Non, ce sont ceux de Philippe. C’est la cassette de Marc? Non, c’est celle de Luc.

Demonstrative pronouns are used with qui/que to identify. Laquelle de ces femmes est ta mère? Celle qui a les cheveux longs. Lequel de ces livres préfères-tu? Celui que tu m’as donné.