Do as I say – Part One Must + Have to with the Angry Family.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Do as I say – Part One Must + Have to with the Angry Family

Tu dois laver la vaisselle ! You must wash the dishes!

Do I really have to? Im sleeping... Est-ce que je suis vraiment obligé ? Je dors…

You must tidy up your room! Tu dois ranger ta chambre !

Do I really have to? Im playing guitar. Est-ce que je suis vraiment obligée ? Je joue de la guitare.

You must clean the floor! Tu dois nettoyer le sol !

Pourquoi suis-je obligé ? Tu ne peux pas me voir ! Why do I have to? You cant see me!

You must play football outside! Tu dois jouer au football dehors !

Why? Its not football, its teapot ball! Pourquoi ? Ce nest pas du football, cest du théière-ball !

Did the Carrot say you have to clean up as well? Did the Carrot tell you that you have to clean up as well? Est-ce que la carotte tas aussi dit que tu devais nettoyer ?

The carrot? I havent seen her! But I dont think we have to clean up! La carotte ? Je ne lai pas vue ! Mais je ne pense pas que nous soyons obligés de nettoyer !

No, we dont have to! Non, nous ne sommes pas obligés !

Okay. Enough is enough! They must do as I say! Or they will pay the price... Ok. Ça suffit ! Ils doivent faire ce que je leur dis ! Ou ils vont me le payer...

I must find my gun... Je dois trouver mon pistolet…

I must find my gun...