Bonjour, les élèves! Trouvez votre place Remplissez la feuille dinformation.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Bonjour, les élèves! Trouvez votre place Remplissez la feuille dinformation

Moi aussi! Vous avez trois minutes pour trouver autant de choses possibles que vous avez en commun avec votre partenaire (en français, évidemment!)


Noubliez pas dapporter pour lundi: Un classeur avec diviseurs Un carnet de composition

VERBE: RUGIR = TO ROAR infinitif RUGIR trois formes pluriels du présent nous rugissons participe passé rugi participe présent rugissant le passé simple often comes from the past participle vous rugissez ils rugissent passé composé tu as rugi le futur je rugir ai nous rugir ons le présent je rug is nous rug issons plus-que-parfait tu avais rugi le passé simple je rug is nous rug îmes tu rugir as vous rugir ez il rugir a ils rugir ont tu rug is vous rug issez il rug it ils rug issent limpératif! (tu) rugis tu rug is vous rug îtes il rug it ils rug irent (ns) rugissons (vs) rugissez le conditionnel je rugir ais nous rugir ions limparfait je rugiss ais nous rugiss ions futur antérieur tu auras rugi tu rugir ais vous rugir iez il rugir ait ils rugir aient tu rugiss ais vous rugiss iez il rugiss ait ils rugiss aient conditionnel passé tu aurais rugi subjonctif passé (que) tu aies rugi le subjonctif (que) j e rugiss e nous rugiss ions infinitif passé (après) avoir rugi tu rugis ses vous rugiss iez il rugiss e ils rugiss ent ˆ slide 10 of 57

infinitiftrois formes pluriels du présent nous participe passé participe présent vous ils passé composé le futur je nous le présent je nous plus-que-parfait tu vous il ils tu vous il ils limpératif! (tu) (ns) (vs) le conditionnel je nous limparfait je nous futur antérieur tu vous il ils tu vous il ils conditionnel passé subjonctif passé le subjonctif (que) je nous infinitif passé (après) tu vous il ils ) VERBE: ____________ = TO______________

AP ® French Language and Culture Course and Exam 1

Characteristics Focus on three modes of communication: Interpersonal, Interpretive and Presentational The course has a thematic approach. The course includes a focus on culture as described in the Standards: cultural products, practices, and perspectives. 8

AP Course IntermediatePre-Advanced Novice Performance Guidelines 9

A Thematic Approach Global Challenges Science and Technology Contemporary Life Personal and Public Identities Families and Communities Beauty and Aesthetics 10

The course is designed around an overarching premise: When communicating, AP ® world language students [must] demonstrate an understanding of the culture(s), incorporate interdisciplinary topics (Connections), make comparisons between the native language and the target language and between cultures (Comparisons), and use the target language in real-life settings (Communities). Focus on Communication 11

Communication Modes Interpersonal Communication Active negotiation of meaning among individuals through conversation (face-to-face or telephonic); however, it can also be realized through reading and writing (e.g., exchange of personal letters, notes, summaries or s) Interpretive Communication No active negotiation of meaning with another individual, although there is an active negotiation of meaning construction; includes the cultural interpretation of text, movies, radio, television and speeches Presentational Communication Creation of spoken or written communication prepared for an audience and rehearsed, revised or edited before presentation; one-way communication that requires interpretation by others without negotiation of meaning 12

Six Primary Learning Objectives Spoken Interpersonal Communication Written Interpersonal Communication Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive Communication Written and Print Interpretive Communication Spoken Presentational Communication Written Presentational Communication 13

AP ® Exam 18

Students will be provided contexts for doing exam tasks. They will not be asked questions that are decontextualized. Tasks and source materials will come with advance organizers and time for previewing. Audio sources will be played twice. Most audio sources last from 1 min. 30 sec.2 min. 30 sec, no longer than 3 minutes. Characteristics 20

Students will work with a variety of authentic materials, both print and audio, reflecting the linguistic and cultural diversity of the French-speaking world. Literary and journalistic texts but also announcements, advertisements, letters, maps, tables, etc. Scripted dialogues but also radio interviews, podcasts, public service announcements, brief presentations, etc. Criteria for selection are comprehensibility (accent, pace, minimal background noise/overlap) and relevance to a course theme and to a topic that could interest students. Materials will be reasonably chosen, but will also reflect a range of cultural perspectives and linguistic features. 23 Characteristics

AP ® Exam Format Section I (Interpretive Communication) Multiple choice (50% of total score): 65 items in 9 sets 4 reading 2 listening and reading combined 3 listening Section 2 (Interpersonal and Presentational Communication) Free Response (50% of total score): 4 items Interpersonal Writing Presentational Writing Interpersonal Speaking Presentational Speaking 19

Section 1: Multiple-Choice Items Mix of factual and interpretive questions Vocabulary in context Purpose of the text, point of view of speaker/writer Audience of the text Inferences and conclusions Questions of cultural or interdisciplinary nature that ask students to show understanding of information contained in the text 24

Types of Multiple-Choice Items For texts that are interpersonal in nature (letters, interviews, promotional pieces): What would an appropriate reply to X be? How does what X says/writes relate to what Y has said/written? (agreement, contradiction, support, elaboration) For texts that are presentational in nature (brief lectures/presentations, print narratives): How does the speaker/author organize the text? What would be an appropriate summary statement of the text? For combined sets: How does information in the print text relate to information in the audio text? (general/specific, point/counterpoint) 25

AP Exam Format Section 1 : Multiple-Choice (65 items, 9 sets; 50% of total score) SectionTask Model Number of Items Section 1: Interpretive Communication Reading Sets Promotional Material 5 Literary Text 7 Article and Chart 11 Letter 7 Listening and Reading Sets Audio Report and Article 10 4 listen 4 read 2 both Conversation and Chart 7 3 listen 3 read 1 both Listening Sets Interview 5 Instructions 5 Presentation 8

Introduction Thème du cours: Les défis mondiaux Dans cette sélection il sagit dun match de hockey. La publicité originale a été publiée le 16 février 2010 au Canada par Jour de la Terre Québec, situé à Montréal. Cet organisme réalise des activités éducatives et culturelles pour la protection de lenvironnement. Sample Advance Organizer Print Source 21

Introduction Thème du cours : La quête de soi Vous aurez dabord 1 minute pour lire lintroduction et parcourir les questions. Dans cette sélection il s agit des commentaires sur la politique libanaise faits par l écrivain de renom Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio. Linterview originale intitulée Le salon livre francophone de Beyrouth a été publiée le 1 novembre 2009 en France par Diane Galliot, journaliste pour Radio France Internationale. Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio a gagné le prix Nobel de littérature en La sélection dure à peu près deux minutes et demie. Sample Advance Organizer Audio Source 22

AP Exam Format Section 2: Free Response (4 items, 50% of total score) Section and PartMode Integration of Skills Task Model Section 2A: Interpersonal Writing Interpersonal Writing based on Reading Reply Section 2B: Presentational Writing Presentational Writing based on Reading and Listening Persuasive Essay Section 2C: Interpersonal Speaking Interpersonal Speaking and Listening Conversation Section 2D: Presentational Speaking PresentationalSpeaking Cultural Comparison

Free-Response Item 1 Reply (Interpersonal Writing) Directions (in English and French, printed side-by-side): You will write a reply to an message. You have 15 minutes to read the message and write your reply. Your reply should include a greeting and a closing, as well as respond to all the questions and requests in the message. In your reply, you should also ask for more details about something mentioned in the message. Stimulus: A formal message (i.e., from a business, organization, university) presented as an message window; contains a greeting and a closing; contains a request for clarification, elaboration or explanation by the student; contains two questions that cannot be answered yes/no. 27

Free-Response Item 2 Persuasive Essay (Presentational Writing) Directions (in English and French, printed side-by-side): You will write a persuasive essay to submit to a French-language writing contest. The essay topic is based on three accompanying sources, which present different viewpoints on the topic and include both print and audio materials. First, you will have 6 minutes to read the essay topic and the printed material. Afterward, you will hear the audio material twice; you should take notes while you listen. Then you will have 40 minutes to prepare and write your essay. In your persuasive essay, present the sources different viewpoints on the topic and also clearly indicate your own viewpoint and thoroughly defend it. Use information from all of the sources to support your essay. As you refer to the sources, identify them appropriately. Also, organize your essay into clear paragraphs. 28

Free-Response Item 2 (contd) Persuasive Essay (Presentational Writing) Stimuli: (1) A print source (journalistic article or literary text) that presents a clear opinion on the topic; opinion is different from that of the audio source (authentic source, may be excerpted) (2) A map with text, a chart or a table that presents information on the topicthis source doesnt have to present an opinion (authentic source) (3) An audio source (interview, report, or announcement) that presents a clear opinion on the topic which is different from the opinion in the print source (authentic source, may be excerpted) 29

Free-Response Item 3 Conversation (Interpersonal Speaking) Directions (in English followed by French): You will participate in a conversation. First, you will have 1 minute to read a preview of the conversation, including an outline of each turn in the conversation. Then, the conversation will begin, following the outline. Each time it is your turn to speak, you will have 20 seconds to record your response. You should participate in the conversation as fully and appropriately as possible. Stimulus: Outline of a conversation in French that contains a description of each of five utterances from the interlocutor (the recording) and each of five utterances from the student; descriptions in the outline focus on communicative functions (e.g., tell your friend what happened, make a suggestion, offer a solution, excuse yourself and say goodbye). 30

Free-Response Item 4 Cultural Comparison (Presentational Speaking) Directions (in English followed by French): You will make an oral presentation to your class on a specific topic. You will have 4 minutes to read the topic and prepare your presentation. Then you will have 2 minutes to record your presentation. In your presentation, compare your own community to an area of the French- speaking world with which you are familiar. You should demonstrate your understanding of cultural features of the French-speaking world. You should also organize your presentation clearly. Stimulus: There is no stimulus, only a prompt. The goals of this task are for the students to speak first about themselves and their communities (using description or explanation) and then speak of an area of the French-speaking world about which theyve learned something or have some personal experience (using comparison). Students are encouraged to cite examples from materials theyve read, viewed and listened to; personal experiences; and observations. 31


Online Resources

Practice Exam: Multiple-Choice Audio Interpretive Communication, Print and Audio combined, Sélection numéro 1, Questions 31-40, Source numéro 2 Interpretive Communication, Print and Audio combined, Sélection numéro 2, Questions 41-47, Source numéro 2 Interpretive Communication, Audio Texts, Sélection numéro 3, Questions Interpretive Communication, Audio Texts, Sélection numéro 4, Questions Interpretive Communication, Audio Texts, Sélection numéro 5, Questions

Practice Exam: Free-Response Audio Presentational Writing Persuasive Essay, Source numéro 3 rsuEssay_temp.mp3 Interpersonal Speaking, Conversation nv_temp.mp3 Presentational Speaking,Cultural Comparison tComp_temp.mp3 45
