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French CCI « a public network led by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs »

French CCI « a public network led by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs » A major player in local planning, territory management and territory development (management of 100 airports, 60 seaports, business parks, exhibition halls…) The 2nd largest education provider in France (500 schools, 600,000 young learners and adults trained each year, including 120,000 students / year in 120 Business Schools (ESC)…) A wide range of services (business development, legal support, international development, funding assistance…)

One regional CCI per region in France All local CCI are public entities « linked » to the regional CCI Each local CCI is a legally independant entity A regional « hierarchy » with a pooling of human and financial ressources Main missions of the regional CCI Supervise and support all local CCI’s activities Define the strategy of the regional network of CCI Adopt the budget Distribute the tax ressource Is the legal employer of all CCI employees

In France : 400 international trade advisers => in regional CCI INTERNATIONAL organisations

… Overseas 115 French CCI abroad 85 countries 1100 employees 87business centres

One network with a commun logo

One « chain » of services for the internationalisation of French companies  starting in France ….. All the way to the rest of the world Informer Préparer et démarrer le projet à l’international Implanter et structurer l’activité internationale Développer l‘activité internationale Intégrer les entreprises à la communauté d’affaires locale CCI in France French CCI abroad RECRUTEMENT ETUDES FINANCEMENT DOMICILIATION RENCONTRES EXPERT PAYS APPUI FORMATION Vous informer : Etude et diagnostic de marché Identification de la concurrence Test du couple Produit/Marché Rendez-vous avec un "Expert Pays" Gestion des formalités et certifications Préparer et démarrer votre développement international : Aide au financement du projet export Diagnostic export Conseil stratégique et juridique Missions de prospection commerciale Identification de contacts clés et organisation de R.V. d'affaires Commerciaux à temps partagé Salons internationaux Implanter et structurer votre activité internationale Domiciliation – Hébergement Croissance externe Création d’une structure locale Coaching export Formations au commerce international Développer votre activité internationale Recrutement et encadrement de VIE Recrutement, formation et appui RH Communiquer COMMUNICATION SALON FORMALITES DIAGNOSTIC COACHING DEVELOPPEMENT A L’INTERNATIONAL


A large portfolio of services 1. INFORMATION Communication Regional : large events – « International Weeks », « Business Seminars », « Country Days » Information Meetings Technical – « How to obtain financial aid, export grants » - « Dealing with customs » - « Intellectual property »… Business Clubs « China Export Club » - « Brazil Export Club » (85 clubs managed by the CCI) => sharing of experience between companies and entrepreneurs Publications and online communication Editorials in specialized business magazines; online communication (E-Newsletters + websites) INFORMATION PREPARATION STRUCTURATION PROSPECTION

A large portfolio of services : An efficient « tool box » 1. INFORMATION Trade formalities French CCI are in charge of international trade formalities for French companies (ATA carnets, Origin certificates…) Trade rules and regulations Information on international trade rules and regulations (EEN Network) Hot-Line Telephone assistance for general and technical inquiries Market information General information on foreign markets (country information, business opportunities per activity sector) Market studies Detailed information upon request on specific markets (products, trade shows, competition) INFORMATION PREPARATION STRUCTURATION PROSPECTION

A large portfolio of services : An efficient « tool box » 2. PREPARATION REFLEXE EXPORT  CCI meeting with the company to formulate and define its needs before any international development – ½ day PRE-DIAGNOSIS EXPORT Assessment of the company capacity to export => audit of general requirements => written report – ½ day to 1 day EXPORT DIAGNOSIS Full assessment of the company capacity to export. Audit of its ressources (products, staff, budget, etc.) – SWOT analysis - 1 full day in the company + 2 consulting days by the CCI / => 6 months follow-up Market selection Assistance to select the company’s potential markets. Export Plan Assistance to write the company’s Export Plan INFORMATION PREPARATION STRUCTURATION PROSPECTION

A large portfolio of services : An efficient « tool box » 2. PREPARATION FINANCIAL AID  Assistance to find financial aid. Identification of possible French (regional and national) and European Export grants. Assistance for lodgment of grant applications LEGAL ADVICE Assistance for preparation of legal contracts. Legal advice for products and brands protection, etc. (Intellectual Property, standards and norms) POST-MISSION FOLLOW-UP Possible follow-up by the CCI after any trade mission. (integrated in the initial service) – Long term follow-up. INTERNATIONALIZATION Assistance for the best format to choose : export? Company set up overseas? Sourcing approach? INFORMATION PREPARATION STRUCTURATION PROSPECTION

A large portfolio of services : An efficient « tool box » 3. STRUCTURATION REFLEXE HR INTERNATIONAL  CCI meeting with the company to assess the company’s Human Ressources requirements HR EXPORT STRUCTURATION Allocation of Human Ressources to the company : trainee, export manager or « shared HR / expertise » VIE ALLOCATION Assistance for a VIE recruitment – « Young Professional Volunteer » - 12 to 24 months – Max. 29 years old - Tax free for the company – Based abroad (French Government Scheme) EXPORT COACHING Allocation of a CCI staff to assist the company in its Export Projects (Action Plan / Follow-up). TRAINING CCI annual training programmes. Internationalization Focus: English courses, international trade formalities, customs and duties, international payment methods… (from ½ day to customized training) INFORMATION PREPARATION STRUCTURATION PROSPECTION

A large portfolio of services : An efficient « tool box » 4. PROSPECTION PRODUCT / MARKET TEST Test of the company product in potential markets. Use of the French CCI Overseas network and/or business partners; Technical report / analysis provided by the CCI. TRADE MISSION Individual or collective trade missions. Based on detailed specifications expressed by the company. Preparation of B to B meetings. (3 to 4 days) All inclusive (transport, hotels, translation and consulting services) INTERNATIONAL TRADE SHOW Promotion of International trade shows. Preparation of companies. Assistance in the preparation of B to B meetings and assistance during the trade shows. Post-mission follow-up. INFORMATION PREPARATION STRUCTURATION PROSPECTION

A large portfolio of services : An efficient « tool box » 4. PROSPECTION INTERNATIONAL FORUMS AND BUSINESS CONVENTIONS Promotion of International Forums and Business Conventions. Preparation of companies. Assistance in the preparation of B to B meetings and assistance during the forums and conventions. Post-mission follow-up. COMPANY SET UP Assistance for company set up in overseas markets: Legal and tax advice Offices search Recruitment assistance Support administration services Supports sales and commercial services Follow-up of the project INFORMATION PREPARATION STRUCTURATION PROSPECTION

FIGURES 80 000 87 incubateurs d’entreprises à l’étranger prestations fournies aux entreprises françaises pour leur développement international 5 263 5 5 87 incubateurs d’entreprises à l’étranger 450 journées d’information pays 1.100 postes de travail dans 63 pays 2.000 entreprises reçues en missions de prospection à l’étranger 400 collaborateurs en France 1.100 à l’étranger

Etude / Préparation Prestations Implantation CCI Implantation+ ® : un partagé pour une dynamique commune aux CCI et CCI FI <---------- module CCI ---------- CCI Implantation+ -------- module CCI FI -------> Etude / Préparation Prestations Implantation Forfait journée(s) conseils - Validation de l’offre - Informations marché - Analyse opportunités/risques - Analyse concurrentielle - Choix mode d’implantation - Solution VIE - Calendrier actions - Plan de financement et aides ………… Validation en commun du projet Implantation avec l’entreprise Services à la carte sur devis - Création structure / Gestion de filiale - Hébergement en centre d’affaires - Mise en relations experts (avocats, banques, comptables, logistique …) - Encadrement VIE - Gestion RH déléguée - Conseil e-commerce - Gestion commerciale déléguée …………. Approche Entreprise

Un partenariat stratégique CCI International / Business France / CCI France International renouvelé le 11 mars 2015 Objectifs : Proposer un parcours d’internationalisation simplifié, lisible et efficient Rationaliser la complémentarité des opérateurs Success Story

SRDEII Familles de l’export OBJECTIVES AND KPI Schémas Régionaux de Développement Economique, d’Innovation et d’Internationalisation Familles de l’export 3 000 entreprises accompagnées sur 3 ans PROGRAMME DES 3 000 1 000 courants d’affaires transformés

FRENCH CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY IN THE ASEAN REGION Offices in MALAYSIA, THAILAND, MYANMAR, SINGAPORE, INDONESIA, PHILIPPINES, VIETNAM and CAMBODIA Local partnerships with official organisations, including Business France, French Embassy, French Foreign Trade Advisors, French CCI,European SME Centre (EU commission), local governments…

FRENCH CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY IN THE ASEAN REGION Services Company hosting / offices / business centres Employment and training (for French and local companies) Events : events (Annual Gala diners, business seminars, workshops, business luncheons, Annual Business Awards…) Publications : magazines, e-newsletters, websites, business guides, members directories ….

FRENCH CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY IN THE ASEAN REGION services Trade services : market research, business partner search, trade show services, legal and tax advice, Intellectual Property advice, norms and standards … Business Delegations within the ASEAN region (ex. Thailand to Myanmar…) Trade delegations and business missions with French CCI for French companies Access to EU information

CAP ASEAN A group of ASEAN Experts from the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry 1 dedicated intranet Regular meetings in France : Training and information, share of best practices, organisation of trade missions and high level events Webinars Business contacts A strong network

Club APPUI PAYS CHINE Promotion of EU programmes (IPR Helpdesk, EU SME Business Centres…) Organisation of « ASEAN » seminars in France (market access and business opportunities) Training : annual CCI delegations to the ASEAN region Publication of business guides, newsletters and magazines ASEAN business delegations

THANK YOU Christophe DUDAY Directeur réseau CCI International, 46 avenue de la Grande Armée 75017 Paris