What about reflexive verbs?. A reflexive verb is one where the action refers back to the person talking. For example -


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Reflexive Verbs in French
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Transcription de la présentation:

What about reflexive verbs?

A reflexive verb is one where the action refers back to the person talking. For example -

What about reflexive verbs? A reflexive verb is one where the action refers back to the person talking. For example - Je me lave

What about reflexive verbs? A reflexive verb is one where the action refers back to the person talking. For example - Je me lave (I wash myself) = I get washed

What about reflexive verbs? A reflexive verb is one where the action refers back to the person talking. For example - Je me lave (I wash myself) = I get washed Je mhabille

What about reflexive verbs? A reflexive verb is one where the action refers back to the person talking. For example - Je me lave (I wash myself) = I get washed Je mhabille (I dress myself) = I get dressed So what happens in the Perfect Tense?

What about reflexive verbs? Je me lavebecomes

What about reflexive verbs? Je me lavebecomesje me suis lavé(e)

What about reflexive verbs? Je me lavebecomesje me suis lavé(e) Je me lèvebecomes

What about reflexive verbs? Je me lavebecomesje me suis lavé(e) Je me lèvebecomesje me suis levé(e)

What about reflexive verbs? Je me lavebecomesje me suis lavé(e) Je me lèvebecomesje me suis levé(e) Je me douchebecomes

What about reflexive verbs? Je me lavebecomesje me suis lavé(e) Je me lèvebecomesje me suis levé(e) Je me douchebecomesje me suis douché(e)

What about reflexive verbs? Je me lavebecomesje me suis lavé(e) Je me lèvebecomesje me suis levé(e) Je me douchebecomesje me suis douché(e) Now try to put these into the Perfect Tense…………….

What about reflexive verbs? Je me réveille

What about reflexive verbs? Je me réveille= je me suis réveillé(e)

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis réveillé(e) Je me lave =

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis réveillé(e) Je me lave = je me suis lavé(e) + les cheveux

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis réveillé(e) Je me suis lavé(e) les cheveux Je me brosse =

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis réveillé(e) Je me suis lavé(e) les cheveux Je me brosse = je me suis brossé + les dents

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis réveillé(e) Je me suis lavé(e) les cheveux Je me suis brossé les dents Je me douche =

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis réveillé(e) Je me suis lavé(e) les cheveux Je me suis brossé les dents Je me douche = je me suis douché(e)

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis réveillé(e) Je me suis lavé(e) les cheveux Je me suis brossé les dents Je me suis douché(e)

What about reflexive verbs? shabiller

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis habillé(e)

What about reflexive verbs? se lever

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis levé(e)

What about reflexive verbs? se doucher

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis douché(e)

What about reflexive verbs? se coucher

What about reflexive verbs? Je me suis couché(e)

What about reflexive verbs? Now try to link them together and say where,

What about reflexive verbs? Now try to link them together and say where, at what time

What about reflexive verbs? Now try to link them together and say where, at what time and even give an opinion or two!

What about reflexive verbs?

You could even try - Après mêtre réveillé(e)…………...