Reflexive Verbs We use reflexive verbs in English. You might say: I can do this myself. He always looks at himself in a mirror. However, the French use them much more.
Reflexive verbs Translate the following: My name is… What is your name (sing and plural)? His name is… Her name is…
Translated Je m’appelle… Comment tu t’appelles? Comment vous appellez-vous? Il s’appelle Elle s’appelle
Incroyable… You have already been using reflexive verbs and not knowing it!
Boring Mechanics Behind RVs Reflexive verbs use a reflexive pronoun that goes directly before the verb. They show that the subject is doing the action themselves. They take être in the pc. Some verbs: Are always reflexive Can be made reflexive by adding the correct pronoun Change meaning depending on the reflexive verb
RV chart Copy this chart. Je me (m’) Tu te (t’) Il/elle/on se (s’) Nous nous Vous vous Ils/elles se (s’)
RV – Set 1 Se baigner Se brosser Se coiffer Se laver Se maquiller Se peigner Se raser
RV Practice How do you think you would say the following: He shaves. She puts on make up. I take a bath. We brush our teeth (nos dents). The boy washes his hands (ses mains). You do your hair so well (si bien). They comb their hair (ses).
And.. Il se rase. Elle se maquille. Je me baigne. Nous nous brossons nos dents. Le garçon se lave ses mains. Tu te coiffes si bien. Ils se peignent les cheveux.
RVs and Pain Se blesser Se brûler Se casser Se couper Se fâcher S’impatienter S’inquiéter de S’écrier
RVs, Opposites, & Relaxation Se coucher Se réveiller S’endormir Se lever Se déshabiller S’habiller Se dépêcher Se détendre Se bronzer Se promener Se reposer