« Everything you wanted to know about the


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Les prépositions.
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La prononciation française
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6 Le verbe Faire Les normes: –Communications 1.2: Understanding the written and spoken language –Comparisons 4.1: Understanding language through comparisons.
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Les pronoms d’objet direct (Direct Object pronouns)
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Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport Responsables des programmes FLS et ELA: Diane Alain et Michele Luchs Animateurs: Diane Alain et Michael.
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+ Français 2 SAY WHAT??. + Dans une question…? To express the question « what » in French, we use qu’est-ce qui or qu’est-ce que. Quelle est la différence?
I can use longer and more complex sentences by understanding and using comparisons.
Les sujets enseignée dans l'ecole primaire
L’école maternelle. On y va de 3 ans jusqu’à 5 ans. Il y a 3 classes à l’ école maternelle. La première s’appelle “les petits”, la deuxième s’appelle “les.
(= for (how long) / since (when?)
Vendredi le 13 octobre.
L’objectif: to know the words for school subjects in French.
Transcription de la présentation:

« Everything you wanted to know about the Bienvenue… « Everything you wanted to know about the LBPSB French Second Language Program at the Elementary Level » Marcelle Auger Thérèse Foliot FSL Elementary Consultants Dear Parents

Qu’en pensez-vous? Les devoirs où il y a des conjugaisons s’appellent les devoirs conjugaux . Voilà qui est bien dit…

La mer des Caraïbes baigne les lentilles françaises. Qu’en pensez-vous? La mer des Caraïbes baigne les lentilles françaises. Entre autres…

Français Langue Seconde IMMERSION Bilingual ( k-6e) In English: Math. Approx.50% English LA Phys.Ed Others In French: FSL Approx.50% Univers Social Sciences & Techology Early Immersion ( k- 1e-2e ) Most of the subjects are taught in French

Français Langue Seconde-Immersion

Bienvenue à la maternelle

A Competency… Progression of Learning… Constitutes a complement to each school subject, providing further information on the essentiel knowledge. FLS-Immersion: Strategies; Vocabulary links to oral and written communication; Oral and writing conventions of communication; Knowledge linked to oral and written text; Knowledge linked to the sentence. Makes the knowledge useful and durable. Learning context.

THE PATHWAY TOWARDS INDEPENDENCE Guided Practice: Practice with teacher support Shared Instruction: “Shared” Comprehension Modeled Instruction: Direct, Explicit Instruction

Shared Reading: a mini-lesson Your turn to play! Shared Reading: a mini-lesson Text ( informative): LES TRACES Targeted reading strategies: Prior knowledge Anticipation Prediction Activity: VRAI- FAUX- QUI SAIT? In teams of two or three, vote for which statement is true, false or who knows ? . Post your vote under the appropriate heading. ‘’Let’s check your predictions”

Statements Chaque patte du raton laveur compte six longs doigts. La patte arrière du loup laisse une plus petite trace que sa patte avant. Les pattes arrière et les pattes avant d’un ours sont aussi différentes. On peut observer les empreintes des animaux dans la neige.

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far Prof. Dumbledore: “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

“The GPS to navigate the MELS” The QEP http://www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/dgfj/dp/programme_de_formation/primaire/educprg2001h.htm Click on: French Second Language-Immersion The QEP French Second Language Program. http://www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/dgfj/dp/programme_de_formation/primaire/pdf/educprg2001/educprg2001-053.pdf