Staying in the target language


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Transcription de la présentation:

Staying in the target language

Plus on est de fous, plus on rit!

Staying in the target language Intentionality – Building rapport with kids Building vocab to use in the classroom.

Staying in the target language Greetings CLOs & classroom expectations Student needs (e.g. bathroom) Rejoinders Finishing class Support

Greetings Good morning! – (Bonjour monsieur!) Good morning boys! How are you? Good morning girls! How are you? Who was better or worse? Who was louder or softer? Who will be better tomorrow? Who was better yesterday?

How are you feeling? Sabrina Janczak list of adjectives: tired, happy, overwhelmed, etc Cannot use the same descriptor: “Déja pris”

More warm up Did Maria come today? Did she come on time? Did she come late? Does she usually come on time? Does she usually come late? What happens when you come late? It wrecks your grade. (gâche)

Greetings (details) Thank you for coming on time. You are welcome. It was my pleasure. I am thrilled you came today. I am disappointed you are late. It’s my pleasure to teach you today.

Use CLOs to teach vocab. Notre but ce matin / cet après-midi: Apprend le vocabulaire dessous: Comment est-ce que tu vas apprendre? en écoutant, en regardant, en frappant la main en répondant aux questions Comment est-ce que tu vas me montrer que tu as appris? - un contrôle! Youpi!

Use CLOs to teach vocab Le but aujourd'hui: on va travailler avec un conte. On va essayer à réviser et développer notre habilité de comprendre le français parlé. Tu vas me montrer ce que tu as appris avec un contrôle.

Big Picture CLO But globale: On va améliorer notre français afin de communiquer avec les francophones.

Using reading as part of warm up Salut mes élèves! Aujourd'hui c'est déjà vendredi, le seize octobre, deux mille quinze. Heureusement ce n'est plus lundi, mardi, mercredi ou jeudi. Malheureusement ce ne sont pas encore les vacances de Thanksgiving. C'est presque le weekend? De toute façon le temps passe trop vite quand même!

Reading as part of warm up Salut mes chers élèves! Alors, aujourd'hui c'est déjà lundi le 16 novembre, deux mille quinze. Ce n'est plus toujours le début du mois. Ce n'est plus la fin du mois non plus. On est au milieu (in the middle) du mois. As-tu oublié (have you forgotten) le mot "souviens"? Montre-moi tout de suite! C'est l'heure de se lever? – (Is it time to get up?)

Day to day What are some things that happen in your class on a regular basis?

The Bathroom

Intentionality: The Bathroom Can I go to the bathroom, please? Class, (should) I let him/her go the bathroom? Do you really need to go? Yes, I really need to go. What must you have in order to go? Class, what does one need to have…

Bathroom cont. Class, what does one need to have… Does one need (insert recent noun)? Does one need to (insert recent verb)? What do they need to write? Then what? It needs to be signed.

Bathroom cont. Unfortunately, you cannot go right now. You might be able to go later. Now is not the time. Not yet, unfortunately. It is too early. (It is too late) Class, do you think he/she is going to go to the bathroom or is he/she going to text, meet up with, talk to

Bathroom cont. Class, do you think he/she is going to go to the bathroom or is he/she going to text, meet up with, talk to a friend? Before going… When (s/he) comes back… Should (s/he) ______ while going

What are some other things that come up every day with students?

Rejoinders Classe? – Yes sir! Oh really? Too bad! (nice/mean) Sorry Thanks/ You’re welcome Not yet

Rejoinders Yea! or not Yea? Cool or not cool? Wonderful or not wonderful? It’s stupid or funny? It’s too stupid or too funny? It’s better or worse?

Rejoinders Is it too early or too late? English: Always or never? Spanish: Always or never? Signaling: Always or never?

Les reparties

Useful phrases Did everyone respond? What do you think, a quarter, half, ¾? Did I get 100% 90% 80%? What do we need – 80%, 90% 100% Almost everyone / Almost no one Who always, sometimes, never?

Finishing Do we have time for…? What did we do the last 40 minutes? What did we learn? What did I teach? What do we need to work on tomorrow? Do you want homework?

Finishing Thank you class for trying your best today. You are welcome teacher. You are the best teacher in Denver! Today I am going to say, “See you soon.” “See you soon!”

Support If possible, put up the vocab you are working on. If you have space. Leave it up as long as possible. Students will appreciate the support and it will remind you to keep integrating it into your teaching day to day.