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Transcription de la présentation:

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Principal stakes of sustainable Tourism and main actions of French CCIs on sustainable development of Tourism sector SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT COMMERCE NEW ECONOMIES ECONOMIC OBSERVATION TOURISM TERRITORIES JES 29th May 2017 Louise de TORCY Tourism advisor

Presentation 1. Stakes of sustainable Tourism 2. Exemples of french and international tools 3. Main actions of french CCI - Hausse consommation - Enjeu économique fort - Développement de nouvelles tendances - Chiffre clés du Tourisme en France - Enjeux du Tourisme durable - Exemples d’outils français - Exemple d’outils internationaux - Enjeux pour les professionnels - Communication Actions réalisées Personnel Clients

Principal stakes of sustainable Tourism 1. A growing consumption 1995 500 millions 2005 800 millions 2020 1,5 billion (OMT: Tourism 2020 Vision forecast) WTO plan 1,5 billion tourists in 2020 which would represent 20% of the population Due to the demographic rise and the economic growth The flows would be mainly concentrated in developed countries (WDI 2006 and OMT 2006a)

Principal stakes of sustainable Tourism 2. A strong economic impact International tourism represents 11 % of world GDP. It contributes to more than 200 millions of people wich represents 8% of total employment. (WDI 2006 and OMT 2006a) According to the WTO, tourism’s benefits cumulate 220.000 dollars per second in 2013, or a 7.000 billiondollars annual turnover. Tourism represents 10% world’s GDP, 7% of international trade and 30% of services’s exportations . 1 job in 11 is related to Tourism (direct and non direct jobs). Classified at the 4th rank of exportations after fuel, chimical products and automobile sectors , tourism represents the main part of exportations for many countries particular ly developing countries or islands. In 2017, world tourism should grow from 3 to 4% acording to WTO. In the main time, tourism is responsible for 5% of total GES mainly due to air transportation. 4

Principal stakes of sustainable Tourism 3. The development of new trends Shorter holidays such as city break Several holidays a year Search for sunny destinations Search for nature, wellness and security Search for economic deal + last minute Developpement of low cost transportation

Principal stakes of sustainable Tourism Classé en trois catégories : Environnement Social et economique Avec des enjeux exacerbés pour les territoires insulaires : Gestion des déchets Approvisionnement Gestion du territoire et pression sur les ressources (littoral) Préservation des coraux - Dépendance forte au transport aérien - Peu de secteur de substitution à part des activités traditionnelles type pêche … Importance of communication : In the framework of international competition, sustainable tourism is a differentiating argument. Its important for destination to promote their commitment.

Key figures of French tourism First destination of tourisme : 80 million visitors a year 10% of the world biodiversity 95% of the biodiversity located in coral reef +/- 400 million nights spent in France in 2016 , in commercial sector only which doesnt include family or friend’s visit) 350 million showers et 5 million tons of waste a year 6% GES emissions due to transport 80% of visitors concentrated in 20% of the territory

Exemples of French tools Regulation : 1985 : loi Montagne wich impacts construction and building strategy for example 1986 : loi Littoral Relative to spatial planning, protection and promotion of littoral space. It prevents property speculation and guarantie free access to beaches to the population Creation of natural areas Protected areas, earthly or maritime aiming at both preservation and restoration. Different sectorial laws complete this legal device, relative to disabled people, security at work, environment, etc. 1985 : loi Montagne, constitue en France le principal cadre législatif spécifiquement destiné aux territoires de montagne. Il s'agit du premier acte législatif proposant une gestion intégrée et transversale des territoires de montagne, et c'est la première fois en France qu'un espace géographique en tant que tel fait l'objet d'une loi. => Ex. Maitrise des constructions en montagne 1986 : loi Littoral : relative à l'aménagement, la protection et la mise en valeur du littoral c’est une loi française qui vise à encadrer l'aménagement de la côte pour la protéger des excès de la spéculation immobilière et à permettre le libre accès au public sur les sentiers littoraux. Création de réserves naturelles : aires protégées, terrestres ou du domaine public maritime bénéficiant d'une réglementation permettant leur protection et une éventuelle gestion restauratoire. Elles sont complétées par les réserves biologiques forestières. Parc naturel / parc nationaux / aires maritime etc .

Exemples of French tools Sensitization et labellization Different actors are in charge of professional’s sensitization, according to their field of action : Governmental : Agence Atout France – Ministères – Agence pour l’environnement, etc . Public sector : Offices de Tourisme – CRT – CCI Civil sector : associations - For several years, different type pf labellization have been created for food and accomodation activities but also Tour operators : Clef Verte, Ecolabel européen, Greenglobe, Maitre restaurateur, Tourisme et Handicap, ATR, Ates, etc. - En France : 600 clef Verte – 300 Ecolabels Accor Earth guest Best western Compensation (greenhouse gas) + actions sociales : planter un arbre aider une coopérative (local craftwork …

Exemples of french Tools Involvment of private sector

Exemples of international tools Different actors and different Tools : World Tourism Organization Pnue and 10 YFP Program International Ecotourism Society World Tourism Organization : Sustainable tourism development. Supporting the tourism sector to adopt sustainability principles is at the heart of UNWTO's mandate. Pnue and 10 YFP Program : The 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns (10YFP) is a global framework of action to enhance international sustainable Tourism Le Programme Tourisme Durable, incluant Eco -Tourisme, du 10YFP vise à catalyser les changements qui affectent le secteur du tourisme et ses activités. Il promeut une transformation profonde en faveur de la durabilité, à travers l’utilisation efficace des ressources, l’innovation et la flexibilité. International Ecotourism Society : TIES is a non-profit association committed to promoting responsible tourism practices They all produce a lot of litterature + promote best parctices In some case they can provide support to projects : engineering and financials means tools such as labels and trademark : Greenglobe, Ecolabel europeen, Clef Verte …

Exemples of international tools Positive impacts of international groups Travail des enfants Places des femmes Développement / maintien de l’artisanat local Gestion des ressources naturelles : limites des dépenses et restauration

CCIs and the tourism sector (cafés, hotels, restaurants, camping sites…) 200 tourism advisors 25 000 enterprises supported individually every year More than 40 000 enterprises supported collectively 450 diploma-awarding trainings with 20 000 students More than 200 agreements with local governments Different partnerships with major actors : DGE – Direction générale des entreprises ; Ademe - agence nationale de l’énergie; BPI; EDF ; Syndicats hôtelier; etc.

CCIs and the tourism sector (cafés, hotels, restaurants, camping sites…) CCI support individually and collectively the enterprises of the tourism sector: Regulation and standards compliance assistance (allergens, licences, accessibility for disabled people, fire prevention and safety, risk prevention, ranking scheme of tourist accommodation, compulsory training : food hygiene …) Human resources management (HR pre-check, recruitment, management, training, apprenticeship…) Digital strategy (communication tools, auto-evaluation…)

CCIs and the tourism sector (cafés, hotels, restaurants, camping sites…) Information on financial and technical support (CCI tool - les - administrative support for funding application Sector specific quality schemes - ecolabel Green Key ; pre-check for title of “Maître Restaurateur” (“Master cook”), “Qualité Tourisme” , promotion of labels … Exchange of best practice between enterprises ; contribute to the creation of clusters to reinforce competitiveness Sectoral watch, information

2017, international year of sustainable tourism for development In the framework of the international year of sustainable tourism sponsored by the World Tourism Organisation, CCI France has launched the following actions: Organisation of a conference on sustainable tourism on 4th April 2017. This conference gathered 80 major actors of tourism in France and several schemes in favour of sustainable development have been presented Participation in the implementation of environmental footprint labelling of tourist accommodations. This scheme allows hotel owners to evaluate the environmental impact of a hotel night. Actions are recommended to help them reduce the environmental impact of their hotel Organisation of web conferences on various topics of sustainable tourism (financing, innovation, communication, etc.) Organisation of a Tour de France on sustainable tourism Development of a communication tool

CCIs and the tourism sector (cafés, hotels, restaurants, camping sites…) Social aspects : Mavimplan : a tool to prevent professional risks Charte de confiance : a tool to enhance recruitment Training Economic aspects : Quality : High hospitality, Qualité Tourism Digital

CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism development à Conservation International à The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) à The Tour Operators' Initiative à Tourism Concern à Commission des Nations Unies pour le Développment Durable à PNUE Programme Tourisme à OMT faits et chiffres à WWF Mediterranean Programm