#CPFLaurier Social Media - Youth Celebrating Being Bilingual


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Transcription de la présentation:

#CPFLaurier Social Media - Youth Celebrating Being Bilingual Luc Comeau, October 14, 2016

This workshop will... Give you a quick overview of social media Provide an overview of the #CPFLaurier campaign Identify roles, tools & actions for you as #CPFLaurier Ambassadors

The Social Media I Grew Up With

Dealing With Social Media

Your Social Media Presence - Poll

Canadian Usage Stats (2015) 70% of Canadians are regular social media users 63% of Canadian social media users read Facebook posts, tweets and/or LinkedIn updates every single day 93% of those who use social media are on Facebook 14 million Canadians check their Facebook newsfeed every single day

New Tools, Similar Best Practices Part of your communications approach and strategy Engaging your fans: Invest 1-2 hours per week Pick a priority lane (2-4 other accounts to expand reach) Post regularly and concisely (1/week) Use images/videos & hashtags whenever possible Like\share/retweet pertinent info

4 Main Platforms Overview a comparative

Likes and Comments are the key elements; A place to share visually what is happening; Ideal if you deal in images and video; The most interesting and fun images obtain more participation. Les mentions J’aime et Commenter sont la devise; Un endroit pour montrer ce qui se passe à l’heure même; Idéal si vous affichez régulièrement des images; Les images intéressantes et amusantes reçoivent le plus de participation.

Second largest search engine after Google; Videos are easy to upload and share; Ideal when your content is fascinating and unique. Deuxième plus important moteur de recherche au monde après Google; Les vidéos sont du contenu très partageable; Idéal lorsque votre contenu est fascinant et unique.

Likes, Comments and Shares are key elements; A clearinghouse for information; Ideal pour posting content that is easily shareable and very engaging; Images and video get more interaction. Les mentions J’aime, Commenter et Partager sont la devise; Un carrefour pour votre information; Idéal pour afficher du contenu réellement partageable et engageant; Les images et les vidéos reçoivent le plus d’interaction.

Followers, Retweets and Favorites are key; It’s a tool for conversation; Interaction with others can be live or deferred; Links that are pertinent, timely and interesting get more interaction. Les mentions Abonné, Retweeter et Favori sont la devise; Twitter est un outil de conversation; Idéal pour interagir avec d’autres; Les liens pertinents, ponctuels et intéressants reçoivent le plus de participation.

Why #CPFLaurier? Le projet engagera et éduquera les jeunes au sujet de la signification du 175e anniversaire de la naissance de Sir Wilfrid Laurier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XFnFiLuNn0 - 40 seconds or 4 minutes

Key Messages Sir Wilfrid Laurier: leader francophone, orateur respecté, grand conciliateur, père du Canada moderne. Sir Wilfrid Laurier: Francophone leader, respected orator, great conciliator, father of modern Canada.

Audiences Youth engaged in immersion across Canada Organizations who support immersion (that’s you!)

Campaign: Oct 13 - Nov 21 6 week Campaign from Oct 13: Insta YT FB Twitter Multimedia content including your videos Contest: IPad, Via Rail vouchers Postcards: hardcopy & virtual on website

Quick Stretch Break

Help Us Now! Follow CPF on all four platforms Like the CPF Facebook page: Canadian Parents for French; Subscribe to the CPF Youtube channel: Canadian Parents for French; Follow the CPF Twitter account: @CPFNational; Follow the CPF Instagram Account: cpfnational; Like, share, retweet & comment our posts -include a short text provided by CPF in your regular communications to members (email newsletters, blog posts, magazine publications); -Like, share, retweet and comment our posts between October 13th and November 21st, using and promoting the #CPFLaurier hashtag.

Help Us Until November 20 (His 175th B-day) View each LaurierKids Youtube videos Like, share, retweet & comment our posts between October 14th and November 21st, using and promoting the #CPFLaurier hashtag Include a short text provided by CPF in your regular communications to members (email newsletters, blog posts, magazine publications); Develop your Social Media presence further, on the coattails of Laurier (... or of this campaign:-).

Next Steps Email from Maryanne Bright mbright@cpf.ca Checklist of items you can do during the campaign Sharing of Results November 21

Your Questions…

Tomorrow 1 p.m.: Social Media for the Grassroots Volunteer Workshop