Influence of standards implementation on students motivation in the French classroom Innsbruck, Sept. 17th, 2011 Dr. Mareschal Michel, BG/BRG Purkersdorf.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Influence of standards implementation on students motivation in the French classroom Innsbruck, Sept. 17th, 2011 Dr. Mareschal Michel, BG/BRG Purkersdorf


MAJOR SKILL: WRITING first priority: avoiding language mistakes grammar correction spelling correction

ERROR FREE WRITING step 1: choosing (complex) subjects step 2: reading original texts (C2) step 3: writing using content and language of original texts

IMPACT ON STUDENTS excessive demand content oriented – learning by heart no autonomous writing discouragement + disappointment

A-LEVEL (REIFEPRÜFUNG) writing part no listening comprehension no reading comprehension writing only/ dictionary allowed = 100%

A-LEVEL (REIFEPRÜFUNG) writing part / new version listening comprehension for students learning French 6 years no reading comprehension writing / dictionary allowed 100% [or 80% + 20% listening]



« Je revendique toujours une part de subjectivité dans la note attribuée à un candidat. Si lon essaye à tout prix de la supprimer, on risque de rendre les enseignants très mal à laise. Les examinateurs et les enseignants sont des professionnels formés. Dun autre côté, il ne sagit pas non plus de laisser libre cours à la subjectivité, qui doit être réduite autant quon le peut et cest là le rôle des barèmes. » Christine Tagliante, Lévaluation et le Cadre européen commun, Clé International, 2007


A-LEVEL (REIFEPRÜFUNG) writing part [not yet completely finalised] listening comprehension reading comprehension [language in use] [writing/ no dictionary allowed]

IMPACT ON STUDENTS well-balanced demand fair encouragement + satisfaction

GENERAL OBSERVATIONS students motivation increase increasing motivation result from standards implementation: skills are equally taught and tested

GENERAL OBSERVATIONS students performances change for the better number of students choosing French increase

Thank you very much for your attention!